Probably go through 18 plus a week. It costs one less beer at the bar not that big of deal to me.
the "meat spots" part hurt my ovaries readingI eat them but the wife tries to pick them out.
- What they are:
- Blood spots: Occur when a small blood vessel ruptures on the yolk surface or in the oviduct during egg formation.
- Meat spots: Are small pieces of tissue that detach from the hen's oviduct as the egg passes through.
Yes; especially with salmonids. Caveat: I guess Flathead Lake in MT tried a forage experiment with some sort of shrimp which has proved detrimental. The shrimp and their prey don't have coinciding hours...the shrimp prey heavily on native plankton at night: Seems to me in my armchair; the predators would adapt to a night feed. I guess not.reminds me of the orange/pink flesh of fish that eat krill, freshwater shrimp, etc.
Feed them manufactured fish food and their flesh isn't purty anymore
Tip of the hat to Petras:absolutely... have eaten many like that and have noticed no difference and no ill effect.
Our chickens are free range for about 1/2 the day. We keep them in the coop until about 11am just to try to force them to lay their eggs in the boxes... if we don't do that they will lay eggs all over the farking county.... We feed a mix of peas/corn with a mineral/nutrient supplement mixed in. On top of that they get a couple handfulls of soldier fly larvae thrown out every day and some black oil sunflower seeds as well. They also have access to free choice oyster shells and ground up egg shells from the eggs we eat. We also add in red pepper flakes to their feed as well. This helps to keep them healthy and helps them fight off bad stuff in their guts.
LolYou rich, egg buying bastards! Plain white bread for me every morning. Can't afford a toaster.![]()
Be glad you don't have balls... Perhaps you could become an ambassador against engineered testicles and the agony of transgender asshole birth.the "meat spots" part hurt my ovaries reading
I prefer sweat shop chickens, those bright orange yolks gross me out
Tip of the hat to Petras: