A game wardensaying his opinion don't mean squat!
I was talking to a friend of mine. They have been watching a pair of moose (Bull and Cow) on their farm east of Bismarck. Last week they noticed that the cow was limping and not moving So they called the G&F, the warden came out and was able to drive to 50 yds from the cow. He got a good look and was able see that there was no bullet holes in it or nothing that was obvious and no blood on the ground. The warden decided to watch the cow for a few days to see if she gets better. When he went out there this morning the cow was dead. The G&F has taken her body for testing. He is very interested in finding out what killed this moose. In talking to my buddy he liked having these moose hanging out on his place. In the past 4 years he has had 11 moose on his farm and likes the idea of getting a little population of them. He also has had 3 elk that moved through the area, but they never stay for more than a day or two. Since this site has the best arm chair biologist the internet has ever seen. Anybody have any guesses to what killed this cow?
Brain worm or did someone shot her in the belly or something stupid like that?
Let us know when you find out.
Any reason to believe you might be contacted with an update once the cause of death is discovered?
I didn't think brainworm affected the moose out on the prairie like it does in the forested areas, because of the lack of the snails that are usually the host? I thought this was the main reason the moose on the prairie have flourished while numbers elsewhere have declined.