Drake volunteer fire Dept annual coyote/pheasant hunt

Grizzly Adams

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 2, 2015

January 05, 2019Drake, NDThe Drake Volunteer Fire Department will be holding a one-day coyote/pheasant hunt Jan. 05, 2019 as a fundraiser to buy new equipment.There will be registration at the Morris Lounge in Drake on Jan 04, 2019 from 7:00p.m.- 9:00 p.m. You may also pre-register by contacting Derrick Buri.Check-in day of the hunt will be at the Morris Lounge. Check –in will start at 5:30 P.M. and must be at check in by 6:30 P.M. that evening.Tournament hours are 6:00a.m. until 6:30 p.m. on Jan 05,2019There is a $100 entry fee per each 2-man team. If you have any questions, contact Derek Nickelson (701)889-2073 or Derrick Buri(701)626-2418

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Drake volunteer Fire Dept. Annual Coyote/pheasant Hunt Rules

1. Entry fee shall be $100 per team: $30 to DVFD, $10 will go to the biggest dog and $10 to the longest pheasant tail. All teams that enter are entered for both the coyotes and pheasants. $50 will go into payback. Of that payback 1st for coyotes will be 35% 2nd for coyotes will be 15%. Also 1st for pheasant will be 35% and 2nd for pheasant will be 15%.
2. Largest coyote weight and longest pheasant tail length ($10 coyote and $10 pheasant already in entry fee) weights will be taken at check in. (100%payback).
3. Pheasant winner for payback will be judged by total length of all of team’s longest pheasant tails 6 maximum per team
4. No para planes, ultra lights, airplanes, UTV’s, ATV’s and/or snowmobiles
5. Use of an airplane, para planes, ultra-lights, UTV’s, ATV’s and/or snowmobiles the day of tournament to locate predators is prohibited
6. Predators can be taken with any center fire, rim fire, or bow.
7. Pheasant Must be shot with shotgun. ABSOLUTLY NO RIFLE SHOT PHEASANTS WILL BE ALLOWED
8. No more than two persons per team. One vehicle only per team
9. Core temperatures will be taken from all coyotes and pheasants at check-in. All animals will be disallowed if temperature and time do not match. Tournament officials will have sole discretion of disallowing the animals in question.
10. Balls will be handed out when you register. They are to be placed in each coyote’s mouth immediately upon retrieval. The ball must have the team number, and time of day marked clearly on the tag. Bands will be provided to place around the coyote’s mouth (top and bottom) to secure the block. THE BALL MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND BANDED IN THE COYOTES MOUTH. ANY COYOTE TURNED IN WITHOUT A PROPERLY FILLED OUT BALL (SEQUENCE NUMBER, TIME, AND TEAM NUMBER) BANDED IN THE COYOTES MOUTH WILL BE DISALLOWED. All balls issued for tourney must be returned to Drake Fire Dept. Animals must be exposed to the outdoors, laid out side by side and not stacked. Animals cannot be placed in plastic bags, enclosed boxes or stored in side of a vehicle. It is impossible to get consistent core temperatures if these standards are not followed by everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS.
11. All entrants must be present and available to answer questions at evening check-in
12. No live decoys and/or dogs (no running predators with dogs).
13. No baiting.
14. All ties will be broken by drawing cards
15. In the event that there are places to fill with no teams left with animals all teams that have checked in and not placed will have their names put in a bucket to draw for filling places.
16. Mouth calls, hand calls and electronic calls can be used
17. No pooling of animals between teams
18. Check in times strongly enforced. It is the contestant’s responsibility to check in with a tournament official. Check in times will be from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30p.m. central time. Tournament clock will be at check-in table. Check-in will be at the Morris Lounge at main street in Drake.
19. You have to locate and call your own predators. You cannot have a second team or individual out scouting for you same goes for pheasants
20. All coyotes that are checked-in will be inspected and will be a donation to the tournament to help cover the costs of the event.
21. All Pheasants will be yours to take after the check-in
22. Contest hours are 6:00 a.m. cst thru 6:30p.m. cst January 5, 2019. Any teams not at check-in table by 6:30 p.m. will not be allowed to check-in
23. All applicable licenses must be in your possession at time of tournament. If you are hunting without the proper licenses, local authorities may be notified, and you will be disqualified from tournament.
24. Sportsmanship: any team upon the sole discretion of the tournament director that shows a lack of consideration for other teams, the rules, or is just being a jerk will be asked to leave. If it is determined that any team or team member who has questionable actions, coyotes, behavior, etc. that is detrimental actions enjoyment of the tournament by others, they will be banned from entering the tournament. DVFD reserves the right to refuse entry to any team or team member who has displayed the above mentioned sportsmanship like behavior.
The rules are set out for the benefit of all participants to ensure everyone has equal opportunity for a great hunt and the chance at willing the tournament. Each coyote will be examined at check-in and all rules will be strongly enforced. Core temperatures, time of kill, and sequence will be checked on all coyotes checked-in. properly filled out blocks is imperative. We will have a large pool of coyotes to compare temperatures and times with, you should expect your animals to fall within those ranges the tournament officials will have sole discretion of disallowing the coyote in question, violating the tournament rules of the laws of the state can lead to that team’s removal from tournament and depending on the situation the local authorities may be notified. Trapping, snaring, live trapping, shooting coyotes the night before, shooting them from a vehicle or trying to take a coyote in any way that would jeopardize the integrity of the tournament will not be tolerated and you will be removed from the tournament immediately. Anything questionable will be up to the discretion of the tournament official to determine if a coyote will be allowed or disallowed. It is the burden of the tournament participant to follow the rules and to turn in coyotes that do not appear to be taken outside what is allowed by the rules. Meaning that if your team turns in four coyotes that two of them are blocked incorrectly based on times and temperatures that the ones in question will be disallowed. If you turn in coyotes that all have dry bladders and an empty colon you may have a problem convincing anyone they were taken legally. The tournament officials do not need to see you running them down and explaining what happened will not help if every indication points towards you running them down with a snowmobile. The burden is on the hunter to prove that the coyote was taken as per tournament rule not the officials. ​

Please sign that you have read the rules and understand them. At least one member of each team must sign prior to receiving balls.
Sign _______________________________________date_____________________
Sign _______________________________________date_____________________
Drake V

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