The SCI Red River Valley Chapter is holding its annual Fall Pheasant Shoot at McCollum's Hunting Preserve on September 7th. I have always really enjoyed this even between the Spring and Fall shoots we have done between getting out to do some shooting and connecting with other hunters. The morning is a European Style Shoot where everyone is stationed sitting in a very large circle with the birds being released from the center a few at a time (5-10 birds), then after a wave of released birds there are guides stationed around the circle with dogs that will go get the birds and at that time everyone moves over on spot this way if the birds are favoring a certain direction everyone will get some shooting in and normally you will end up near the point you started. I think it is a unique experience and reminds me of waterfowl shooting so you can look at it as a good warmup. After all the birds are gone through we go back to the lodge and have a tasty home cooked meal then if you choose you can go back out and walk for more birds with either one of the guides or bring your own dog (morning you dog must stay at your vehicle), I have done both over the times I have gone out there and the guides I have been with have been very enjoyable with well trained dogs. You can also just hang back at the lodge to sit around and visit, quite a few do this. All the birds shot are taken to a cleaning station while we are out and are cleaned and broken down then bagged and divided equally among hunters, I consistently have ended up with 6-8 birds. This can be a fun event for getting youth out or for someone that has mobility limitations that does not get to pheasant hunt.
If there are any questions or if you are interested in joining us in the fun while connecting with othre sportsmen and helping support our local chapter feel free to contact me by PM.
Rev 3-Prelim 9-7-2024-European Pheasant Shoot 2 (2).pdf
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