A friend shot a deer and had to pull it across the Heart River last night. Last Sunday while heading to church, the Heart had a few skims of ice on it.
I hope to hit the ice next weekend. NDSU NDAWN has soil temp sensors across the state at various depths. Lake temps mirror pretty close soil temps (there's a lag for Devils and Sak). This link shows the soil temps. https://ndawn.info/soil.html
I saw some Facebook posts of people out. Patterson and Audubon for sure. I think by this weekend we will be good to go on the bays and smaller bodies of water. I plan to check out a few spots and get some lines wet.
Be careful boys. Plenty of open water out there. One lake has the oddest open spots. Scattered spots 50-100 feet across wide open. No ducks or geese doing it. In the basins too, not over sunken structure. Strange.