It's warrantedresidents of ND bitching about the deer tag system every year
It's warrantedresidents of ND bitching about the deer tag system every year
It's warranted
List of Grievances:
1. Deer hunters who claim every decent buck they see "was atleast a 150"
2. Toby making a fake ID to praise his greatness.....
3. Captain Ahab with his ability to catch pig walleyes and grow an inredible chest-fro...
4. Bucks that look bigger then they are and trick me into shooting them grrrr...
5. SDMF and his fantasy gear
6. KDM and is ultra pioneer skillz
7. The total lack of cool users on here like Rainbo UnyKorn
ND G&F for taking their sweet ass time each year when drawing deer tags. Seriously we love the suspense and appreciate that we can at least pay up front, just to get a refund after the second drawing a few months later.
SD residents complaining about ND lottery system. Why don't you drive your Prius Up to Bismarck and join the other 2000 non-residents who who insist on shouting at police about how ND sucks.
Nanky & Kurtr - SD residents complaining about ND lottery system. Why don't you drive your Prius Up to Bismarck and join the other 2000 non-residents who who insist on shouting at police about how ND sucks.
You read wrong I don't give two squirts of doe piss about Nd policy other than being a bunch of pussies and letting this protest go on and all the stinky hippy's coming through town.
My grievance is all the threads that Nd residents start on deer hunting but other than bitch on NDA do nothing.
Also for all the time NDA takes away from filling my two separate any whitetail rifle tags.
Nanky & Kurtr - SD residents complaining about ND lottery system. Why don't you drive your Prius Up to Bismarck and join the other 2000 non-residents who who insist on shouting at police about how ND sucks.
KD not obtaining Zen and giving pork a fair shake.
Capt Brad not keeping a stout bass outfit rigged with a black Culprit in his boat.
Un-signed negative rep
Dirty Mike not doing a "High On Stress" paint job on a shallow jerkbait
Not enough threads about sandwiches and snacks.
You read wrong I don't give two squirts of doe piss about Nd policy other than being a bunch of pussies and letting this protest go on and all the stinky hippy's coming through town.
My grievance is all the threads that Nd residents start on deer hunting but other than bitch on NDA do nothing.
Also for all the time NDA takes away from filling my two separate any whitetail rifle tags.
Since its Mcrib time, do you guys south of Bismarck notice a increase in the chemicals in your water? Maybe a faint hint of BBQ?
Not me brother. I like my indoor plumbing, refrigeration, and electricity. Besides, why would I pioneer when all my deer are 150 or better.