
Established Member
Aug 25, 2022
Bismarck, Nd
Hey, guywhofishesandhopefullycatchesmorethanme -

fresh off the press. Two well done studies, one in Canada and one down here somewhere studied long term use of Ibuprofen, especially in high doses, and especially for a long period of time.
They showed that Ibuprofen users using it in recommended doses had twice the risk of developing kidney cancer than non users. They studied all other NSAIDs and other OTC meds at the same time.
More worrisome for those with chronic diseases - If the subject took higher doses of Motrin for shorter time periods OR took usual doses for over ten years they had a THREE times increase in kidney cancers!! We know kidney cancer numbers (and many other diseases) have steadily increase relatively recently, and there are undoubtedly multiple causes for this, but Motrin and its lookalikes seem to at the very least involved with this.
Interestingly, with my ongoing back problems over the past 20 years, in order to not prescribe opiods, every doc I’ve been to has urged more and more and higher doses of NSAIDS! Then last fall when my back pains increased a CT showed a tennis ball sized malignant tumor on my right kidney. Cause and effect? I don’t know and couldn’t prove it anyway, as a few hundred thousand people develop it every year.
I studied the original papers looking for some connection with gout and uric acid metabolism, but no increase or flareup s with gout was noticed or at least mentioned, though they were mainly looking at malignancies. You may be a one off reaction to the stuff but I sure wouldn’t take any more if I were you or me!
These new findings do illustrate that you never know what a new drug, or vaccine or whatever will do to humans until you have given millions of doses to millions of people for many many years! Thalidomide, more in my field, is another classics! Antivaxers complain that we are all Guinea pigs, which is true BUT it also true when we take any drug or compound we buy at a pharmacy, grocery store, gas station, dollar store, etc.
I first recall being “detailed” on this fantastic new anti inflammatory drug many years ago ?40-50? And yes it helped many many people with all kinds of aches and pains, menstrual cramps, post surgery pain, but now we find it might have put a few people into a grave, me included, though I’ll tell you in 5-10 years.
But that’s the nature of pharmaceutical research. We have to take the possible bad effects with the good things. It’s never all or one! The risk benefit story over and over.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
I have severe neuropathy. It only gets worse. I deal with the itching by blocking it out. A steel brush won’t help.

Had to revisit this topic because I've had gout for going on two weeks now and forgot the name of that Allopurino. l might have to try it if it doesn't go away soon. I don't have severe pain like others talk about but it hurts when I walk or try to move it and feels stiff and swollen.

When skimming through looking for the name I saw this post and decided to share my story about neuropathy incase it might help you too. When I asked my Doc about it last year he was reluctant to prescribe anything and I was ok with that because I'm not fond of pills . The tingles and deep itch kept getting more frequent and to the point It was really interfering with my lifestyle.
Went in for wellness profile a couple months ago and I told him we have to do something about it and he put me on Gabapentin AKA Lyrica and it's working like a charm. Talk about a game changer, Iv'e only had one itching episode since and it was mild compared to the others Iv'e had and the tingling is more tolerable. I'm taking a low dose , less than 25% of what I could be taking and it's still working better than I had ever imagined but the real benefit that Iv'e noticed is the reduced back pain . I'm sleeping all night and waking up with more energy than Iv'e had for years. I'm not much for taking pills unless I really need to but now I realize that I should have done this years ago.



Founding Member
Founding Member
Aug 21, 2015
Had to revisit this topic because I've had gout for going on two weeks now and forgot the name of that Allopurino. l might have to try it if it doesn't go away soon. I don't have severe pain like others talk about but it hurts when I walk or try to move it and feels stiff and swollen.

When skimming through looking for the name I saw this post and decided to share my story about neuropathy incase it might help you too. When I asked my Doc about it last year he was reluctant to prescribe anything and I was ok with that because I'm not fond of pills . The tingles and deep itch kept getting more frequent and to the point It was really interfering with my lifestyle.
Went in for wellness profile a couple months ago and I told him we have to do something about it and he put me on Gabapentin AKA Lyrica and it's working like a charm. Talk about a game changer, Iv'e only had one itching episode since and it was mild compared to the others Iv'e had and the tingling is more tolerable. I'm taking a low dose , less than 25% of what I could be taking and it's still working better than I had ever imagined but the real benefit that Iv'e noticed is the reduced back pain . I'm sleeping all night and waking up with more energy than Iv'e had for years. I'm not much for taking pills unless I really need to but now I realize that I should have done this years ago.

My dad also has neuropathy. His was mainly in his feet and the tingling has now moved to his hands. he finds that wearing tight gloves help with the tingling. He was put on Gabapentin and it did help his neuropathy and also helped him sleep at night. Problem was it made him dizzy, dizzy to the point he had to stop taking it.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
My dad also has neuropathy. His was mainly in his feet and the tingling has now moved to his hands. he finds that wearing tight gloves help with the tingling. He was put on Gabapentin and it did help his neuropathy and also helped him sleep at night. Problem was it made him dizzy, dizzy to the point he had to stop taking it.
Yep , gotta take it right before bed . When I wake up to take a leak I feel pretty light headed, I wouldn't take it during the day. I read good things about Cymbalta for nerve pain too , I'm going to ask Dr. next time I'm in if that is an option .


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Gout killed Dad. He was on so many meds he was a "science" project. Mom used to lance his toes and purge the shit: A week before he died he went into surgery and had a baseball sized mass removed from his elbow. His bandages smelled of meat every other day and were changed in the ER.

He stopped drinking beers and chose one strong drink every night. He had old injuries from motorcycle wrecks, pushing cars and working in the mines. He believed in "scientists" and took the "vaccine" on top of all his bullshit.

An actual "psychic" in Ohio once told him to never again get on a motorcycle. The year I was born; he got a bike running and gave it too much gas (light rain) going across a bridge. The bike remained constant and Dad ended up on a roof and rolling off into someone's yard. There's one more story I know about: Dad hated seeing me doing any sort of bicycle stunt. He hated Evel Knievel.

The other story: Dad was going down Cheat Mt. without a helmet and got hit between the eyes by a junebug. It may as well been a baseball bat and the bike "tried" to ground him in the road:

Not me.

That is all.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
Luckily I don’t have gout. But severe neuropathy sucks bad.
I don’t know if Lyrica helps with gout but it does help with my neuropathy. I take it daily. Can’t go without it though.
I’ve mentioned before that I take Alpha lipoic acid.
Alpha-lipoic acid is an organic compound with antioxidant properties. It seems to help without any side effects. It was recommended by my doctor. Basically neuropathy is not curable so if something helps it can be worth taking.
Lyrica definitely can make you dizzy. I’ve heard that a few times. Over time I have adjusted to it but if I need more it always put me out over night. Which happens occasionally. Alcohol also makes it worse.

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