No hate here, just stating facts as most see them.
1. You are not funny. At least not on the internet. Maybe your attempts at jokes are better in person.
2. Your sarcasm and satire are also sad
3. Your posts add little to no value to threads, whether they are encyclopedic lists of links or attempts at humor
4. Every group has at least one person that no one likes. If you don't know who it is, it's probably you
I wonder if I advocated for perpetual easements open to the public and loved Ducks Unlimited and demanded we create more and more public land if folks like you would think differently............
Regarding your #3, my posts are often times fact based information with the links to it that provide a different point of view. Yeah I can see where that is of no value to some on here. And when people have holes poked thru their ideas or claims with fact it often leads to your #4
As to your#4........I don;t worry much about "groups" liking me, especially those "groups" of people I have never met on an internet site that act a bit like a clique of high school girls.
I suppose maybe if I just stuck to "sconi" bashing" and talking about sausage fests and high school type pranks on guy sleepovers it would be more appropriate for the "group".
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You're giving yourself too much credit, gst. I just don't like you.
Get the hell out of here.........your kidding right?
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