Already been in the boat, I'm just tired of captain douche. And apparently now I'm a high school girl and he does, in fact, add value to this website....if its somehow political in nature. Fishing, hunting, outdoors...not a chance. Unless he's trying to be funny in a thread that had trolling in the title and he actually thought it was about being an internet troll. Now guy's thread is all messed up. Quickly enough, he'll disappear into political threads, awaiting his next potential prey. Where he will spring into a conversation while not really knowing what we're talking about because its not about cows or tree rows or 10 gallon hats.
Holy you are a whiney little bitch, artsey but a whiney bitch none the less.
Who said anyone thought this thread was actually about being an internet troll? If in fact it was, commenting in a troll like manner would not have been sarcastic nor humorous..........perhaps that explains things that you actually thought I was trying to get someone to bite.
For someone that makes such cool lures you "bit" on nothing more than a bare hook there mike that wasn't even meant to catch anything.
Like I said, had you and your little cliche not bothered to respond, it was a one and done comment.
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I truly hope guywhotrolls bags properly inflate when he is holding his pole trolling an artistic lure painted by old dirty mike and his big skeg doesn;t drag bottom when he is holding his pole positioning his bags and landing a 30 incher.