HAHAHA. Absolutely!Dirty Mike wernt you look for a way to make a large batch of pulled pork?
its to bad they can't do that with Asian crap
kinda messed up - not sure why I feel that way? :;:huh
I always thought it would be fun to put a few cats into pumpkin to see how far a trebuchet can make them fly....
40 bucks says the cat gets you before you get him in the pumpkin, but that would be a youtube gold (the cat ripping your eyeballs off) :;:muahaha
we get a group buy going for some pumpkins
Does he have access to vanilla?I would think that watermelon rinds would be cheaper, and work better.
I know a Mexican watermelon farmer that would sell cheap if we bought in bulk. 3500#'s and we get em for $.04 a pound.