From reading your posts for years GST, in my opinion your main problem is that when anyone has an opinion that differs from yours, you interpret it as them trying to ram their opinion down your throat and force you to agree or abide by it, or them insisting on winning some kind of non existent argument. However, a discussion with someone expressing an opinion about something is NOT an argument and should not be interpreted as such or develop into an argument. No one ever WINS an argument and nothing positive ever results. No winners or losers in a discussion either, but often positive, out of the box new ideas crop up, and often other people learn something they weren’t aware of.
my second suggestion is that if someone does disagree with you and happens to be even slightly to the left of your often far right rigid opinion of something, even if that person is well to the right of center of the “Normal left right probability curve” (understand what Im saying here, GST? To the left of you but far from LIBERAL!) then you immediately brabd them with the inevitable LIBERAL, LIBERAL LIBRAL nonsense. You and Plainsman are famous for that and have driven many good intelligent members from several websites over the years, though that’s another story.
in any case, remember that being Conservative is a wide, wide range, and not just one little tiny finite spot far to the right of center! There room for the rest of us somewhere in that big expanse, too! Also, many of us happen to think fairly Liberal (omigod, he admits it!!) on some issues and extremely conservative on others, and everywhere in between on others! Nothing wrong with that, but please don’t label these people as horrible unamerican traitors or any of the many names rigid thinking people come up with.
try think of these suggestions a bit before shooting from the hip and maybe you’ll have a few more friends on websites and not alienate so many good people! Or maybe you do it on purpose. Your choice. Not trying to hurt your feelings, only a bit of advice.
Um not one single mention of the question I posed you ( you see that is how a "discussion" works asking and answering questions in a polite manner) yet a lecture of what one should do according to bobkat...........seems a bit like you are trying to shove your "opinion" down my throat here bobkat.
Oh forgive me they are merely "suggestions".............suggestions that have been made REPEATEDLY time and again admonishing many on these internet sites. (at least the conservative folks)
Perhaps you missed that question so here it is again.
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"And definitely being tolerant to everyone’s beliefs and NEVER EVER trying to shove mine, or lack of, down anyone’s throat. "
Lets take one example bokat and you can explain to me and others why I should "compromise" on this issue.
Boys being able to choose to use a girls locker room or bathroom in high school or a man choosing to use a woman bathroom in a public facility.
Tell us bobkat why should I be "tolerant" of some 40 year old mans "belief" he is a woman so he can take a piss in the same public gender specified restroom my 12 year old daughter just went into?
I am truly curious to hear your response to this simple question bobkat.
I do thank you for your concern about the numbers of "friend" I have on internet sites.........but I am not as concerned with that as you seem to be. I have plenty of real live friends I know who go by their actual name and are not afraid to say to my face what they think and believe. I appreciate people like that.
My concern is more with speaking the truth on these internet sites than making friends. Those that choose to realize what I post for what it actually is can make their own mind up if they want to be my "internet friend' or not..
I was never one for popularity contests............but I do think integrity is a pretty big deal.
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Hey just out of curiousity bobkat, when was the last time you lectured, oops, gave a suggestion, to a liberal on being "tolerant" and "compromising"?
If one comes on an internet site and gives their opinion on something and shares suggestions is it not fair they can expect questions on that opinion or suggestion?
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Allow meto let you in on a little something bobkat.......there are LOTS of "opinions" on here I do not agree with I never post a thing on (best musky pickling recipe, ice pirates, unloading boats.....ect.....
I mostly post on two issues when they come up how I make my livelihood and our Constituion..both are a passion for me.
-I try to stay away from sharing opinions and instead try to share fact ( ad nauseumcopy and paste links) as much as I can so that people have a little something more to make their minds up on an issue than someones opinion (or story or accusation in many cases here)
So thank you for your suggestions but I am more interested in your answers to a couple simple questions.
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Perhaps we should be "tolerant" and "compromise" with these folks bobkat?