Stop making up stuff and taking anything I say out of context and misquoting and classic internet bullying GST! BI’ve said numerous times I HATE Hillary, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, etc. yes, I said I didn’t vote FOR Trump but I sure did vote against Hillary! Can’t you read? Had to pinch my nose, but not alone there.,.,
The only thing I’ve said several times about the school shooting stuff and gun ownership is
1) I probably have far more guns and ammo than you,and I support and always have supported the threatened 2nd amendment!
2) like it or not if and when public and school shootings continue and people get madder and madder about it if nothing is done or even discussed then the non gun owners, especially the current pretty neutral ones FAR FAR Outnumber us gun enthusiasts!! Not in ND but country wide estimates of 10/1 or some surveys say 20/301! Like it or not, might makes right! I’ve said repeatedly that there are millions of well meaning people out there that are getting mad enough to demand some action st the polls! I sure as hell don’t want to lose or limit my access to my guns, and saying the two camps should at least try to explore what might work to keep guns out of the crazy indane Hands! THATS what I’m saying, but in your infernal bullying you twist and distort everything! No wonder you’ve been booted from every other outdoor website!
3) like it or not If mass shootings continue to increase and a hundred million voters get mad enough, do you really think the 2nd amendment which I support will hold up to legally changing it in Washington! That’s what concerns me! it likely doesn’t concern you because you still believe in the Antler tooth fairy and Sants Clause! Be clear that I have no magic solutions, nor have I heard a single workable suggestion or solution from anyone, and THAT doubly concerns me! And concerns most of my conservative friends, AND most of my Liberal Buddies too! Yes gabe!I have Liberal buddies too! And yes, I reamed to out a good Liberal arguing buddy 2 days ago for narrow minded chisled in stone thinking! Do It all the time! I can’t stand rigid thinking! Ask my previous students! I dare you!
And I have nothing but respect for the military! Was in ROTP years ago and flew CAPbfor years,. Where do you get that feces to throw??
in terms of medical advances, you definitely have a real psychosexual hang up regarding all thing sexual. Presumably that is why you enjoy following me from website to website, thread to thread on s continual basis! “I’ll teach that guy to disagree with my dark age thinking about gays and dyspeptic conditions, brain neurochemistru, etc”. Deal with your archaic hang ups GST! Or not! But at least leave me alone!! The
Being an ex farm boy (oops, now you’ll label me a turncoat) I enjoy some of your posts concerning new findings about farming methods, practices and modern knowledge, assuming what you prostletize is correct. Pity you couldn’t be open minded about findings and all kind of new and interesting game stuff in the medical field. But like will Rodgers, or was it confucious?) said “ a closed mind hasno visitors! “