M3, yea or nay?

Will you support M3 on election day?

  • Yea!

    Votes: 121 44.0%
  • Nay!

    Votes: 143 52.0%
  • I'm not voting...

    Votes: 11 4.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
Ok, Here goes. If you are ok with dictatorship and being treated like a puppet on a string go for it, I won't jump on that bandwagon , Not now ~ not ever.

See the post above yours. He can say it more eloquently than I.

Ok, here goes. My opinion is M3 was written by a bunch of pot heads, who are using the medical excuse to garner more votes, when in fact they just legally want to be able to toke up where ever the fuck they want. Not the state I want to live and raise kids in. Sounds more like CA then ND.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
I've never smoked pot, nor hung around when it's being done and gotten a contact high, etc, etc, etc. I've been vehemently anti-recreational MJ essentially forever. My strict aversion has strained some lifelong friendships at times because I just flat refuse to knowingly be around it.

I have 0 problem w/Medical MJ for adults for multiple ailments, I could even be persuaded towards medical MJ for kids w/cancer or legitimate intractable pain.

My position regarding me being anywhere near recreational MJ hasn't changed and if M3 passes, I don't think my opinion will change.

Rhetoric like above tips me towards a no vote. Alcohol is legal, MJ isn't. Now you can argue that it's not fair, unwarranted, backwards, stupid, ignorant, or anything else you want to say, but you can't change the fact that right now MJ is illegal. The moment you start to make an argument of equivalence to a legal drug be it alcohol, tobacco, etc, you lose me and push me harder towards a "No" vote. Someone attempting to persuade me that what is currently illegal needs to be legalized and if I don't agree (of haven't ever tried it) I'm a hypocrite won't be very effective in earning my vote.

All of the above said, I truly believe the legislators have essentially thumbed their noses at the public regarding Medical MJ and that pisses me off exponentially more than does being called a hypocrite.

I'm truly undecided on this, and it feels weird as I don't typically have any trouble making up my mind fairly quickly with relatively few regrets.

Can anyone give me a good reason to vote yes without attempting to put MJ and alcohol in the same class AND without sounding like either Cheech or Chong?

Freedom. Plain and simple. You either believe in it or you don't, even if you fought for it.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
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I should state that my medical issues are not covered under the ND medical weed. Mainly cause they have no clue what is wrong with me. Im 34, have had pain since I was 13, have had every test conducted on me, every scan, lost pints of my blood for tests, seen ever specialist I can see from here to the west coast and still NOTHING.

Most people won't qualify for the bs they call medical. The bill is so restrictive, the majority of people that need it won't even have access.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 27, 2015
Well no matter what happens with this bill come November just remember the most important thing is voting out Heidi.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Well no matter what happens with this bill come November just remember the most important thing is voting out Heidi.
I think M3 is the only thing that will keep the vote between Heidi & Cramer close as it will bring out the young liberal voters that normally wouldn't bother voting


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 21, 2017
Wouldn't voting out the guys who are not forward thinking on this issue out and voting in people who will take the medical seriously get things to change. I know the down fall to this would be we have to wait for them to do something and they only meet every two years. I thought that was how democracy works. Not citizens vs government. We elected them. I think the real problem is to have a legislative session more than every other year. This isn't the age of telegraph and snail mail. We get things done and we need a legislature to meet annually to get things done.

Interesting! I've mentioned this twice and all I get is crickets. Maybe this is "the better option" but the closet smokers are hiding behind the "freedom" or "stick it to the legislature" argument so the can get something they want and not look like a pot head.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Dec 7, 2015
Interesting! I've mentioned this twice and all I get is crickets. Maybe this is "the better option" but the closet smokers are hiding behind the "freedom" or "stick it to the legislature" argument so the can get something they want and not look like a pot head.
Your solution is to vote all democrat? Maybe weed isn’t the most important issue to most of us and we aren’t going to vote based just on that issue. A guy has to look at everything and vote accordingly, there are plenty of things I don’t agree with but many times the other option is even worse.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Interesting! I've mentioned this twice and all I get is crickets. Maybe this is "the better option" but the closet smokers are hiding behind the "freedom" or "stick it to the legislature" argument so the can get something they want and not look like a pot head.

Don't be lumping me into your bullshit vision and opinion of everyone who supports M3 .

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Interesting! I've mentioned this twice and all I get is crickets. Maybe this is "the better option" but the closet smokers are hiding behind the "freedom" or "stick it to the legislature" argument so the can get something they want and not look like a pot head.

I answered that question on post # 152 and I stand behind my opinion.

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I'll save you some digging.

Quote Originally Posted by Achucker View Post
I always thought if you didn't like what your representative was doing to either vote for someone else who's views better suit the majority or run for office.

Davey said : That might be how you have always thought but I have always thought it's better to take the quickest path with the least resistance.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 21, 2017
I respect your view Davey but sometimes the way is broad and the gate wide that leads to destruction to use a metaphor of a wider man.

Just got some more info on this that for me was disturbing. 1) they say this stuff is way more potent than it was even back in the 90's. Something like 4% thc and now around 95%. I think this came from a leader I heard on the radio who was with the health department. Haven't researched this yet so cant confirm. Question-will this be regulated like alcohol and restrict the amount of thc in a product?

Second. They are infusing this stuff in all kinds of goodies. Gummies was one of the things mentioned. This worries me. I have a 6 year old who loves gummies and I dont want to give her some "candy" by mistake and she's all the sudden stoned. I know it will be no different than booze. Booze is sold in separate stores or restricted access in stores. In fact because my wife and I dont drink they dont even know what the brands of beer look like. They know what alchohol is and to stay away. The packaging of beer is not as flashy as say Mr. Dew so not as appealing to a kid. Is this going to be the same fight years down the road that big pot is going to be targeting kids with their packaging/advertising? Majority of that advertising was to teenagers
This has a potential of targeting a much younger age. Question-Are there regulations to restrict this the packaging and where it will be sold to keep out of the hands of minors

Answer yes to these to questions and you migh away my vote.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
In legalized states the stuff is sold in stores that nobody under 21 can go into. They card you before you even get to go in where the product is. The candy stuff like gummies you are talking about I’ve been told are all sold in childproof packaging. The packaging clearly states it’s a marijuana infused product so if you look at it you won’t give it to your six year old by mistake.

As for the varying amounts of thc, adults go into liquor stores now and decide between mich ultra, coors light, hopslam, and vodka or whiskey so I’m not seeing the difference
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★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 27, 2016
Well, I dont think people on this site will be changing their vote as of now, aside from a couple folks. I will say for the most part I have enjoyed being part of the discussion, it has been a somewhat civil one.

YES, Achucker, I think the no flyer they sent out says that from the 70s, potency has increases by 30 some percent, maybe it was 40. Now, with the new methods that they have to make the oil it is supper concentrated. 95% concentrated, im not sure. They use the oil to put into edibles, and lower the concentration. I guess I think its like buying everclear. Not many folks buy that to drink, but they do make delicious drinks like apple pie with it, diluting it down to around that 40% mark.

I guess I dont understand that concentration/potency talk. If you double the potency of other drugs, including booze, there are big problems that could happen. If you double the potency of pot, expecting it to not be that potency you might feel uncomfortable, pass out but no danger of death unless you happened to pass out in the tub (just happened to friend from drinking and they didnt make it), or while doing something else that could cause you bodily harm. I have seen many folks almost die, and some die from drinking high potency booze.

The edibles I have seen are wrapped with child proof wrapping. The packaging could be improved to help keep kids not interested. I know the chocolate packages just look like a high quality chocolate bar in the store. BUT booze is the same way or worse as far as packing goes.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 21, 2017
I appreciate letting me know what you guys observe. When I googled gummies they looked no different than other gummies. Other than writing stating they were my infused. They were still the same bright colors/shapes as regular leaving them no different than normal gummies out of the packaging. These packages were not in a child proof container. As I said they appeared the same bag as a normal package.

Beer, whiskey, everclear are all regulated and clearly marked so I can make my own decision of how much % i want. Is there any regulation on how much is allowed in gummies or any other infused foods. Is it label clearly. I think if we are going down the road of legalizing mj that it needs to be regulated. I dont see m3 doing this.


★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 27, 2016
I appreciate letting me know what you guys observe. When I googled gummies they looked no different than other gummies. Other than writing stating they were my infused. They were still the same bright colors/shapes as regular leaving them no different than normal gummies out of the packaging. These packages were not in a child proof container. As I said they appeared the same bag as a normal package.

Beer, whiskey, everclear are all regulated and clearly marked so I can make my own decision of how much % i want. Is there any regulation on how much is allowed in gummies or any other infused foods. Is it label clearly. I think if we are going down the road of legalizing mj that it needs to be regulated. I dont see m3 doing this.

Yes there is a dosage on each package. So lets talk about gummies, the packaging might say 20 gummies, 200 mg THC total, 10 MG THC per piece. That way you know what your getting and how much you need to take. This is why people who use the argument that it will be safer for our kids if/when they try it. Rather then not knowing where the product came from, how potent it is, if its laced, etc. they would get a package that tells them all those things, giving them a safer experience. Personally I get and agree with this argument. To me its like asking would rather have your kid take a shot of manufactured whiskey or a shot of bootlegged moonshine.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 21, 2017
Yes there is a dosage on each package. So lets talk about gummies, the packaging might say 20 gummies, 200 mg THC total, 10 MG THC per piece. That way you know what your getting and how much you need to take. This is why people who use the argument that it will be safer for our kids if/when they try it. Rather then not knowing where the product came from, how potent it is, if its laced, etc. they would get a package that tells them all those things, giving them a safer experience. Personally I get and agree with this argument. To me its like asking would rather have your kid take a shot of manufactured whiskey or a shot of bootlegged moonshine.

I understand they're marked. But is there any regulation determine how much is allowed for different types. One company has high levels and another company has low levels. They're marked but are put on the shelf side by side in similar packaging. At least when you go to the liquor store you can quickly distinguish where the beer is from the whiskey. No mistaking. What will the reaction be if someone buys something he thought was low level and it ended up being high level. Takes a couple that he thinks he'll be ok to drive and be ok. But ends up getting so stoned that he caused an accident. But based on previous arguments this can never happen cause this stuff is safe?


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
Again the packages are clearly marked. It’s not like you’re buying it in an unmarked ziplock bag


★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 27, 2016
I understand they're marked. But is there any regulation determine how much is allowed for different types. One company has high levels and another company has low levels. They're marked but are put on the shelf side by side in similar packaging. At least when you go to the liquor store you can quickly distinguish where the beer is from the whiskey. No mistaking. What will the reaction be if someone buys something he thought was low level and it ended up being high level. Takes a couple that he thinks he'll be ok to drive and be ok. But ends up getting so stoned that he caused an accident. But based on previous arguments this can never happen cause this stuff is safe?

The dispensaries I have been into are not stocked to the walls like liquor stores are. Its more like going into a small town shop with litle product out. There is also no product on the shelves, just the packaging. They seem to have knowledgeable people working that can direct you to the experience you want BUT I have seen some higher potency edibles by lower potency. Price vs size is different at least. you might get a package like I previously talked about with 10 or 20 pieces vs something like 1 small cookie. I have seen stuff is clearly a singe serving size that was 100 mg THC vs the 10 mg THC ones I talked about before (this is the beer vs liqueur of the pot world!)

Just like booze, mood, when you last ate, when you last got your heart rate up, outside temperature all affect how your body responds to it. No one should drive while taking anything that can affect their ability to do so safely, even in small amounts. Personally I dont drive if I have had 1 beer. Sure, the stats kinda say its safer to drive stones compared to drunk, but neither is a good argument. Lets just keep everyone safe and be adults and not drive if we want to bend our mind with something.

Of course pot hits people harder then they anticipate some times. For example on the edibles it says the products takes up to 2 hours to take affect. I have heard a lot of stories of people who smoke head to a legal state, grab an edible and after hour they take more cause its not kicked in yet. Then all of the sudden they are over the top (like rounds of shots with the buddies). My opinion is just be adults about it, be responsible.

On a side not, I ended up having to go home at 9 the other day cause of a sick kid. I have always said that 8-10 am is one of the most scary times to drive because of all the old people headed to and from their doctor appointments. A lot of them are on drugs that impair their driving abilities. Well when I went to pick up my kid there was a guy who was in his 70s, watched him turn out of the clinic and then ping pong between the lines for several blocks, smoke the curb and not even tap the breaks. Saw something similar yeasterday after my 930 chiropractor appointment. Also, I dont go out much at night, while a couple weeks ago I was out until 1130. On my drive home I was rather certain about 1/3 of the vehicles out were impaired. The funny thing (well not so funny i guess) was it was all ages from in their 20s-60s. I almost got hit from late 40s couples on main street mandan. we were driving side by side and he couldnt keep it in his lane.

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Founding Member
Founding Member
Dec 7, 2015
I understand they're marked. But is there any regulation determine how much is allowed for different types. One company has high levels and another company has low levels. They're marked but are put on the shelf side by side in similar packaging. At least when you go to the liquor store you can quickly distinguish where the beer is from the whiskey. No mistaking. What will the reaction be if someone buys something he thought was low level and it ended up being high level. Takes a couple that he thinks he'll be ok to drive and be ok. But ends up getting so stoned that he caused an accident. But based on previous arguments this can never happen cause this stuff is safe?
Look i'm not going to try and sway your opinion anymore because its clearly set. I will tell you this, when your kid hits middle school in Bismarck no matter how much you've sheltered him from Alcohol, Weed etc. It will all be readily available to him. In fact unregulated weed is actually easier to come by than the regulated alcohol. You can buy weed from the kid sitting next to you in class, alcohol you actually have to find somebody over 21 to buy for you. Many kids just start using the easier to get weed. Keeping weed illegal will in no way keep it from your kids.
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