NFL News (Vikings)


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Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Common man is a great compliment. Thank you. Ever play football, or is your experience all FANTASY? Never went past high school, but after we played teams like Freddie Walker's Mayville Portland Patriots or the Pellet and Cahill led Harvey Hornets it was still hard to move around on Monday. Now multiply that by the factor of a million, where every player on the field is a giant and the best that there is, then cut the recovery days between games by three days and let only one of the teams sleep in their own beds and use their own facilities pre game. That make sense? I see reasons for the way they have played lately, but I also see them shaking that off. Sorry if I am common mansplaining it to you, but you guys and your chicken little "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" bullshit after 7 games is typical and boring as fuck.
Ya I played. This is fun last year it was me being Mr positive now you take that spot. I guess we will see because the schedule gets real soft the next few weeks. I never said the sky is falling I said the defense has been exposed two weeks in a row. Now we will find out if BFlo is the defensive genius. The loss of Darisaw on the left side is going to be noticed hopefully Sammy doesn’t start seeing ghosts like in New York. Hope at the end of the year he is a MVP candidate but the regression is noticeable.

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