A couple years ago the refs took a touch down away from Dez Bryant saying he didn't have control allowing the Pus Bay Packers to win. Yesterday the announcers brought it up and dubbed it touchdown or no touchdown and showed a replay. Yep, the refs wear green and yellow stripes.
There is a definition of a catch and as hard as it is to understand, this did not fit the definition.
Yesterdays match was more of the same. Why couldn't Dallas pressure Rodgers? Because Pus Bay's O line was holding the whole game.
There is holding on every play and both sides do it. You definitely hate GB and that is OK. I can't stand some teams too.
It is good they let them play in the playoffs. I personally would like to see more of the "let them play" and less rules. They are ruining the game with some of their rules.
I wanted Dallas and New England in the Superbowl. Green Bay won't get past Atlanta.