North Dakota man arrested in plot to kidnap Obamas' dog

Bed Wetter

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
[h=1]North Dakota man arrested in plot to kidnap Obamas' dog[/h]WASHINGTON - A Dickinson, N.D., man was arrested by U.S. Secret Service agents on Wednesday in the nation’s capital for plotting to kidnap the Obama family’s pet dogs, the Washington Post reported Friday morning.
Scott D. Stockert, 49, allegedly had a cache of weapons and ammunition in his vehicle and, according to the Post’s story, made a series of outlandish claims, including that he was Jesus Christ, the son of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, that he planned to run for president, and that he was in Washington to kidnap Bo and Sunny, President Barack Obama’s two Portuguese water dogs.Stockert reportedly drove his pickup from North Dakota to Washington and was found Wednesday at a Hampton Inn in the District of Columbia, where agents confronted him and found a 12-gauge pump shotgun and a bolt-action .22-caliber rifle, according to the Post. Stockert was not registered to own a gun and was arrested.
More than 350 rounds of ammunition, a billy club and a machete with a 12-inch blade were discovered in the pickup, according to the story.
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Scott D. Stockert is shown in this Southwest Multi County Correction Center mugshot from Nov. 29, 2012.
At a preliminary hearing Friday, a D.C. Superior Court judge ordered Stockert released into high-intensity supervision program pending a court date to be set later, the Post reported.The Secret Service’s Minnesota Field Office first learned of Stockert’s intentions, according to the story. Sgt. Dave Wallace of the Dickinson Police Department told The Press they too had been informed by other agencies to be on the lookout for Stockert.
A public affairs officer from the U.S. Secret Service issued a release to The Press on Friday, stating “this incident highlights the importance of our network of Field Offices throughout the United States in the performance of our Protective Intelligence mission and the coordination with our State and Local law enforcement partners.”
The statement continued: “Identifying and apprehending suspects who make threats toward our protectees, is often a coordinated effort between multiple jurisdictions in real time. The Secret Service stands ready to continue our mission for those we protect and the American people.”
Stockert has a history of mental health and criminal issues.
In December 2009, he had an hourlong standoff with Dickinson police and allegedly pointed a loaded gun at then-Sgt. David Wilkie after reports of domestic violence. Wilkie is now a Dickinson police captain.
He pleaded not guilty to felony reckless endangerment and acted as his own attorney before eventually undergoing a mental health evaluation.
In June 2010, Stockert was found incompetent to stand trial but the Southwest District Court found him competent to enter a plea agreement, which dropped his charge to a misdemeanor and put him on supervised probation for two years. He had a one-year prison sentence suspended.

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I bet he was trying to rescue the dogs before their tails could be cut off. Because that's what communists due to their dogs' tails.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Aug 21, 2015
someone shoulda told him that the dogs weren't the problem in Washington


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Watford City
A cache of weapons is two?

I'm gellin ya, you guys would be dumbfounded by the crap that people say and believe back east and out on the west coast. We raised alpaca and had a yarn business and sold garmets blankets, etc, across the country. We had a family come out to our place bound and determined to own an alpaca. Wife took them out to the barn, an alpaca took a dump and the lady asked if they all did that and how often? Wife told them we didn't track that but was pretty sure it was a time or two a day, they proceded back to the car and left without another peep. Saw a lady pay 135.00 cash for 2 t-bones and a fillet off a guy at a farmers market because they didn't have antibiotics. 12.00 for a pint of blackberries, 32.00 ea for a free range chicken, and the guy bought 4, my youngest sold eggs for 5.00 a dozen.

I have seen parents freak right out at the mention of a weapon of any kind. The left has created a population that fears everything and looks to the governent for everything. Soon a single gun will be a cache. I cannot tell you enough how freaking awesome it is to live here and not have to see and hear the liberal crap daily, see Odumba and rainbow coaltion bumper stickers on every 3rd hybrid vehicle and put up with all the liberal, whiny arsed, spineless, dickless, timeout giving, no spanking the kids "enlightened" progressive dips**** there are in this country. We have 12 more months of this country being held hostage, I hope we all do everything we can to get people to the polls in November. Whew, maybe a little too much Crown tonight. As Clark Griswold would say this guy "who's heart is bigger than his brain" will be compared to Donald Trump by the media....
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