You should feel more sorry for the black community that is oppressed by all the white citizens in Minneapolis, democrats and republicans alike. To be honest shit needs to burn before anything is actually done about it. These businesses probably have insurance so they will be fine.
The good news is even leaders of the black community have expressed outrage over these vandals. Whites and black leaders alike now all agree that the peaceful protesters are fine, and right in there cause, but the rioters don’t give a shit about George Floyd. They’re using this as an excuse to cause mayhem and get free shit.
Nobody’s lives are at risk? Tell that to the family of the federal officer who died in Oakland or his colleague that was injured. Or the dead 19 year old in Detroit.
Its ok to vandalize buildings because they have insurance? Tell that to the black store owner who was armed with only a hammer as he cried when black men repeatedly went into his store to loot. Insurance doesn’t always cover everything. Duductibles aren’t cheap. Material can be replaced but the months out of work while that happens isn’t free.
how can this change anything for the better? Racism is country wide. People of color do have an uphill battle. But Why did the city of Minneapolis have a black firefighter who also happened to be the owner of a burnt down bar? I know why, that man decided to work his ass off to change the stereotype. He did it the right way. And if everyone in the black community looked up to people like him and worked like that racism would go away. Burning neighborhoods to the ground, punishing members of the very community you claim to be protesting for? This does nothing but pour gas on the fire and causes a further divide between white and black. Martin Luther King Jr would cry if he saw what was going on right now.