Rabbit ? #2


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
NW Angle, MN and Grand Forks, ND
This spring and early summer started out with a lot of rabbits. In the last two weeks numbers have decreased dramaticly.
We are thinking predators such as hawks, owls, fox, feral cats etc..... Just recently there was a dead rabbit found the body was there but the head was cut clean off and gone. So there are a lot of weird theorys. Anyone care to jump in???


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
Mammology students filling out their skull collection for class at UND. Not in summer. Plain old house cats and many predators eat the head first for the energy. The brain is fat. Don't know what would take the head off clean as you suggested.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Iv'e only saw Weasel go for the juggler and drink the blood , It's thier trademark on farm fowl anyway, and they will show up anywhere. Mink go for the guts first when they get ahead of you on a trapline and you won't see a mink far from water. Sparky our cat will eat everything but the head on some small critters.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
Cats will do this also. I have had a fair share of rabbit heads show up on the doorstep as a kid with outside kitty sitting beside it looking up at you with its accomplishment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2019
I need to jump in here and tell my story. I live on the west side of Bismarck, with the railroad property behind me. Rabbits, rabbits and rabbits! Always walked my dog out back and she had a blast chasing rabbits. I started to find dead rabbits daily, and not from being shot, drove over or killed by another animal? I figured someone was throwing out some poison but rabbits had no bleeding form their nose or mouth. My dog, 2 1/2 year old heeler had picked up one of these dead rabbits and was so proud to show me. Well, she died last night at 1:00 in the morning and I am just sick about it.

Started a couple weeks ago and she had a check up and her rabies shot was due so I took her in to my vet. Got the shot and just a few days before that the dog wasn't very active and had a huge swelling on her neck but by the time I took her in to get her shot the swelling went down. Didn't think much of it but each day after her appetite went down and she wasn't wanting to play so I took her back a week later thinking she had ingested some rabbit that had been poisoned. Now back to where she had picked up the dead rabbit was before she had gotten her rabies shot. So after a week from getting the shot we went back to the vet and ran test on her and everything showed it was possibly poison but just didn't convince my vet. My vet did some research and called me immediately that night and said we need to run another test! This test is for Tularemia (Rabbit Fever). I took her back in and she got what she needed and my dog passed away the next night. We haven't even gotten to send the test off yet! We are still sending the samples off due to humans can get this as well. Now I have been the one touching and holding, carrying my dog out to pee, trying to keep her comfortable thinking we were on the right road for recovery.

I also found out one of my neighbors just a block away has a cat that is a mouser and catches rabbits as well. Their cat had for sure, positive, CDC and state vet contacted them because their cat had it. They caught it early enough and after IV's and meds for a week at their vet their cat survived.
Please Google TULAREMIA and watch your pets! It's nothing to mess with! Rabbits are cute little things but can be deadly! As far as me yet I don't know if I have it and praying I don't. I don't wish this on any one it's a nasty way to die. My better half and I are sick crying about losing our dog. Please please watch your pets eating habits, play habits, and overall health.



★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
I need to jump in here and tell my story. I live on the west side of Bismarck, with the railroad property behind me. Rabbits, rabbits and rabbits! Always walked my dog out back and she had a blast chasing rabbits. I started to find dead rabbits daily, and not from being shot, drove over or killed by another animal? I figured someone was throwing out some poison but rabbits had no bleeding form their nose or mouth. My dog, 2 1/2 year old heeler had picked up one of these dead rabbits and was so proud to show me. Well, she died last night at 1:00 in the morning and I am just sick about it.

Started a couple weeks ago and she had a check up and her rabies shot was due so I took her in to my vet. Got the shot and just a few days before that the dog wasn't very active and had a huge swelling on her neck but by the time I took her in to get her shot the swelling went down. Didn't think much of it but each day after her appetite went down and she wasn't wanting to play so I took her back a week later thinking she had ingested some rabbit that had been poisoned. Now back to where she had picked up the dead rabbit was before she had gotten her rabies shot. So after a week from getting the shot we went back to the vet and ran test on her and everything showed it was possibly poison but just didn't convince my vet. My vet did some research and called me immediately that night and said we need to run another test! This test is for Tularemia (Rabbit Fever). I took her back in and she got what she needed and my dog passed away the next night. We haven't even gotten to send the test off yet! We are still sending the samples off due to humans can get this as well. Now I have been the one touching and holding, carrying my dog out to pee, trying to keep her comfortable thinking we were on the right road for recovery.

I also found out one of my neighbors just a block away has a cat that is a mouser and catches rabbits as well. Their cat had for sure, positive, CDC and state vet contacted them because their cat had it. They caught it early enough and after IV's and meds for a week at their vet their cat survived.
Please Google TULAREMIA and watch your pets! It's nothing to mess with! Rabbits are cute little things but can be deadly! As far as me yet I don't know if I have it and praying I don't. I don't wish this on any one it's a nasty way to die. My better half and I are sick crying about losing our dog. Please please watch your pets eating habits, play habits, and overall health.

So sorry for your loss! Thank you for letting other people know!


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 13, 2015
Central, AZ
So sorry to hear you have lost your dog and best friend!
Thanks for informing the rest on this Forum.

Losing a dear friend.jpg


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
I need to jump in here and tell my story. I live on the west side of Bismarck, with the railroad property behind me. Rabbits, rabbits and rabbits! Always walked my dog out back and she had a blast chasing rabbits. I started to find dead rabbits daily, and not from being shot, drove over or killed by another animal? I figured someone was throwing out some poison but rabbits had no bleeding form their nose or mouth. My dog, 2 1/2 year old heeler had picked up one of these dead rabbits and was so proud to show me. Well, she died last night at 1:00 in the morning and I am just sick about it.

Started a couple weeks ago and she had a check up and her rabies shot was due so I took her in to my vet. Got the shot and just a few days before that the dog wasn't very active and had a huge swelling on her neck but by the time I took her in to get her shot the swelling went down. Didn't think much of it but each day after her appetite went down and she wasn't wanting to play so I took her back a week later thinking she had ingested some rabbit that had been poisoned. Now back to where she had picked up the dead rabbit was before she had gotten her rabies shot. So after a week from getting the shot we went back to the vet and ran test on her and everything showed it was possibly poison but just didn't convince my vet. My vet did some research and called me immediately that night and said we need to run another test! This test is for Tularemia (Rabbit Fever). I took her back in and she got what she needed and my dog passed away the next night. We haven't even gotten to send the test off yet! We are still sending the samples off due to humans can get this as well. Now I have been the one touching and holding, carrying my dog out to pee, trying to keep her comfortable thinking we were on the right road for recovery.

I also found out one of my neighbors just a block away has a cat that is a mouser and catches rabbits as well. Their cat had for sure, positive, CDC and state vet contacted them because their cat had it. They caught it early enough and after IV's and meds for a week at their vet their cat survived.
Please Google TULAREMIA and watch your pets! It's nothing to mess with! Rabbits are cute little things but can be deadly! As far as me yet I don't know if I have it and praying I don't. I don't wish this on any one it's a nasty way to die. My better half and I are sick crying about losing our dog. Please please watch your pets eating habits, play habits, and overall health.

If you were to get it what would/could happen?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2019
If you were to get it what would/could happen?
I'm not sure for myself yet what is to be done? I have to go back to the vet and ok that the samples she took can be sent off to be tested. If positive I would imagine I go in for blood tests as well but I was told that the CDC would be in contact with me if they are positive. How they treat this on humans I'm not sure? IV's maybe? Blood transfusion? Meds?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 12, 2015
I'm not sure for myself yet what is to be done? I have to go back to the vet and ok that the samples she took can be sent off to be tested. If positive I would imagine I go in for blood tests as well but I was told that the CDC would be in contact with me if they are positive. How they treat this on humans I'm not sure? IV's maybe? Blood transfusion? Meds?
I'm by no means a Dr. but I would kinda think you would have some type of symptoms by now if you contacted it. Sure hope you don't 🤞

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