Fishing,old man had a cane pole in my hands as soon as i was strong enough to hoist it up...
Then night shore fishing every weekend night old boy had walleye fever big time... until his last day above ground.
The day my dad caught this hungry walleye whilst sitting on spring crappie hot spot...this pig came along i was wing man on the nett ,
This girl was spawned out i recall,dads P.B. with a good story he had it mounted,cleaning out his house i came across this dried out,cracked skin mount and had it refurbished.
I remember it weighed 8.8 lbs,32.5"s,dang near as long as i was tall holding it up for a pic,not a giant by todays std but .,great memory.
Then night shore fishing every weekend night old boy had walleye fever big time... until his last day above ground.
The day my dad caught this hungry walleye whilst sitting on spring crappie hot spot...this pig came along i was wing man on the nett ,
This girl was spawned out i recall,dads P.B. with a good story he had it mounted,cleaning out his house i came across this dried out,cracked skin mount and had it refurbished.
I remember it weighed 8.8 lbs,32.5"s,dang near as long as i was tall holding it up for a pic,not a giant by todays std but .,great memory.