retirement, good or sucks


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 28, 2016
Age 73 and this month will be all done working for someone.
When I was young, thought I would be done by earlier 60 and in grave by 73. Not how it works. Not the best planning but good memories.

Have concerns:

No debt, got a new Buick for wife and will sell my pickup and with another $7000 buy one with low mileage this summer so hope vehicles make it rest of life. Own home with property tax of $2,300 in a small town (really)
Bought a one time cost, whole life insurance on both of us for $15,000 each, gave polices to daughter for her to bury us with so that is taken care of.
Now take home pay consists of 80% from SS and as they say that will not cover my needs.
About $2,000 each month for electric, gas, TV, water with about $1,000 of that for insurances. About $0-1,500 short on average each month that will be need to be made up with other income. Depends on how much Old Mill is drank.
Last 8 years of work is when we built up our savings and should cover unless we live too many years.

My prostate is to big but no medicine. Wife had an issue this spring but surgery and with some treatments that end this month they say she is fine. Neither of us take medication or know of any thing else wrong.

My days are full of things to do and the future appears to be the same. Parked my two wheel bike and got a three wheel bike. Hope to run the tires off this summer with the wife. Hope to hit Dodge Kansas this summer to see Miss Kitty and west coast for the NDSU game. A bunch of grandkids and with my oldest granddaughter, she shot her first deer with a bow this year. Many more to come. Main long term goal is to find a place for the both of us to be bury.

I did what I did, have what I have and have the memories and will have more memories however I did what I did and some of those things I should not do again (maybe there are things an old guy can now do like I thought I would pinch a girls ass and only be call a dirt old man, found out that is not true in this age of time). Wake up in the middle of night and I think about the next days work I need to do and that is no more. Like when I was in SE Asia on a hill top and was already out of the service. Not until we got hit with a couple of guys medivac out that I decided to go home. Something isn't right or may be I just need to count the blessing and create some new memories this afternoon.

So what advice do some of old farts or young have for me? db-2


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
I retired at 62 from a job that I hated and was killing me healthwise and have never been so happy in my whole life. Some people have jobs they love and I suppose it doesn't seem like work to get up every morning and go do something you enjoy but that wasn't my situation. I am debt free, have all the toys, vehicles and house paid for so can live on next to nothing compared to most people. I've got great, cheap health insurance and as long as my knee replacements hold out and my cancer stays in remission my health costs are less than $1000 (including vision and dental) per year. I can easily live on my little pension and social security checks and I have a great part time job that gives me enough extra money to buy a new toy or two every year or do a little traveling. I know I'm in a unique situation compared to most because I have no family to support or bail out of trouble so when I tell people not to work a day longer than they absolutely have to I know many people will never have that option. All I can say is that retirement saved my life and I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can and when my health gives out I hope I have the courage to not try to hang on and be a burden to anyone else.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 29, 2019
I can retire in less than 8 month, am I going to, no. Health care for my wife and I out of pocket is close to 1400.00 a month. Ponyroper you must have Obama care that its 1000.00 a yr. And I would have to say its shit coverage. When we both can get Medicare and a supplement then we will retire. I say Im working for the insurance. Do I like my job, yes I do. If you like your job it doesnt feel like work. If you have a part time job your not retired, in my books its more like semi retired.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
I think, no i know i will pass up the walmart greeter as i am sure i would only last an afternoon at that.

I thought about another part time job but I did not retire from the one I had to again answer to an employer. Wife has mention it and maybe if I could come and go as I please maybe but those jobs are few and far to find as most of the time it would be go for me. db


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jun 9, 2015
Agreed,no such thing as "golden age" my body started falling apart at 65 yrs had a rough life living in western ski resorts by winter oil fields in alaska by summer,no family left except my dad who is failing at 92 yrs so once he's gone i've decided to move to northeast south dakota somewhere between Webster and Aberdeen area,hell I'm out there 5 months out of the year these days,cost of living is about 50% less than here in minnesota,taxes are killing me,house is paid for plus building in my little town has sky rocketed,700 homes this summer within 5 sq miles,folks keep popping out kids and moving here once praire land turned to farm land now developments and roads,it sucks.The upside so far no minorities so zero crime to date,can't remember the last time I locked my house up with only a fur ball woosey golden retriever for defense,just the way I like it.

Retired Educator

★★★★★ Legendary Member
May 4, 2016
North Dakota
Retired a few years ago. Currently do some odd jobs when I want or am needed. That income goes towards toys etc. One thing I told myself when I retired was that I was going to live the life to which I had become accustomed. Did not want to penny pinch so that I could have enough to live to 100. If I reach that, someone else can take care of me.

One issue I have is that many of my hobbies and interests are not free so perhaps I spend more than some or most but that's what I enjoy and intend on doing. Currently have enough income to do that and as I age I don't anticipate spending as much as age will most likely prevent some of my interests.

Good luck and enjoy your retirement.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
I can retire in less than 8 month, am I going to, no. Health care for my wife and I out of pocket is close to 1400.00 a month. Ponyroper you must have Obama care that its 1000.00 a yr. And I would have to say its shit coverage. When we both can get Medicare and a supplement then we will retire. I say Im working for the insurance. Do I like my job, yes I do. If you like your job it doesnt feel like work. If you have a part time job your not retired, in my books its more like semi retired.

Just to clarify something for you 1lessdog, my insurance premiums are not included in that $1000, that is what my doctor checkups, copays, meds, dental and vision expenses are after insurance pays their share. My meds cost about $50 a year and I get new glasses about every 3 years. Worst part is dental because I've had to have 3 teeth crowned in the last 3 years and my share after insurance has been over $500 each time. If not for those damn crowns my expenses would be less than $500 a year. My insurance is a group plan with Blue Cross/Blue Shield and it costs a lot more than $1000 a year but it's a lot cheaper than most people pay because I don't need a family plan. Like I said, my situation is unique and not many people can get by as cheap as I do.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Aug 11, 2015
ND's Flatter Half
Here's some perspective for you:

Grandpa Ray retired when he was 55. Him and grandma lived modestly, but comfortably. Grandma died a year ago. Grandpa lived to be 94 (passed away this fall).

Grandpa Vern retired when he was 62. Him and grandma lived modestly, but comfortably. He lived to be 85 (passed away this summer). Grandma is in memory care now.

Neither one of them ever wished they would have worked more.

Both were "busier" out of work than when they had full-time jobs.

Retirement is completely what you make of it. They had enough to do to stay plenty busy, but never hesitate to drop everything to see friends or family, or go on a trip somewhere. It's not like they were globe-trotters, but they didn't let the cushions on the easy chair get worn, if you get what I mean.

I'm 35. I'm already thinking about retirement -- not that it's something I want to do soon, but I want to plan enough ahead to enjoy it when it comes. The wife and I are set to retire at 60, but I'd love to pull a Grandpa Ray and get out at 55. Big thing we have to worry about now is health insurance, which is a topic that forces many people to work longer than they want to or have to.

But even that said, if I can stay active and healthy, hopefully the needs will be mitigated.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
1less dog.
Got medicare for me and the wife along with the supplement at $400/month. I belive medicare with drugs is costing us about $325/month.
Coverage is great as i am sure my wife has gone through in the 6 figure number this year and no cost to us sofar.
I also have VA if i want and that would cut the cost of the supplment and medicare for me but i do not think i will change that.

Part time maybe if someone offer me really only part time at my time.

Right now i have a guy who stated he has the state recored whitetail. Based on the Johnny King buck this buck also has common base on the g2-g3 and if so would lower the score he has by about 50 points. At least it appears to have common base. If it is to outscore the Brunner buck as stated by him it needs to be score by the same B&C score sheet as the Brunner buck, Hanson buck was and the King buck. However there are other score sheets out there and maybe there is no common base for those two points.

I have thougth to mention this to him but i am sure i will only get my butt chew on and who am i to know the rules. So for now I have spent an afternoon researching this and tomorrow I need to go looking for a buck like his as it is one hell of a buck. db-2


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 12, 2015
Retired now at 58. Loved my job,but some back issues kind of steered me that way. Had high blood pressure issues also, since walking away from the stress it is basically normal again.
If you don't have some hobbies, it can be boring as I am quite often. As much as you would like to think and I do a heck of a lot of it, you can't hunt & fish 365 days/ yr.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
One thing i would like to comment one if those who at a young age plan for retirement and estalbish goals in life.
For me and the wife there was no planning or goal setting. Most of my jobs at first did not pay enought to save on. No 401 offer me by my employer until later in life.
No birth control and she just kept getting pregant and the kids we had were the kids we had, no planning on that either.

Did it work? For us it did by i do envy those who at a young age do the proper thing of goal setting.
It just sometimes things get in the way on one's goals. db


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Retired now at 58. Loved my job,but some back issues kind of steered me that way. Had high blood pressure issues also, since walking away from the stress it is basically normal again.
If you don't have some hobbies, it can be boring as I am quite often. As much as you would like to think and I do a heck of a lot of it, you can't hunt & fish 365 days/ yr.

I'm calling BS on that one!!!



★★★★★ Legendary Member
Apr 3, 2016
Took my SS at 62 but kept on working to the point of having to give back on SS. Really stopped working for money at 70 but wife is 9 years younger than me and now has a real good nursing job in Fargo that she really enjoys. She plan's to work another 5 years. Everything is paid for, homestead and house this last fall done, Shop in town will get moved to farm this next year and then I'am set. Had 8 different fixing on myself last year so most wearout parts are replaced. Have packed away and will continue to do so until wife quits. With SS and slush fund we will have plenty enough to go another 15 years easy. Got some green in cash that only wife and I have access to in bank lock boxes just for emergencies. If you don't have nursing home insurance they will clean you out FAST but I don't worry about that cause they will never find all my firearms, and if I would have to go to one of those God awful places I'am taking the cowards way out. Just live every day like its your last, enjoy as much as you can to make yourself happy and sometimes that's just the little free things. LB

Up Y'oars

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Not retired yet, but it's on my mind every day (almost 56yo). Will I have enough? Will I struggle? I think I'm setting okay and will definitely be in a much better position than most folks. My goal is to retire in 6 years from now (winter of 61st age). I plan on collecting my social security at a reduced amount after the 62nd birthday.

I have a military retirement income, a decent ROTH IRA, a separate 401k, etc. Money isn't in one nest, so the compounding of earnings are less than other folks. I just hope the economic conditions and stock market hold out for the next five years.

If I rub that crystal ball I see summers here in ND and winters down in Arizona. I'll sell my home in Bismarck and buy a tinker house somewhere around Sakakawea (has AC, garage for the boat/truck) and head south come November. Down in AZ I'll ride motorcycle and relax in those over 55 crowds.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Retired now at 58. Loved my job,but some back issues kind of steered me that way. Had high blood pressure issues also, since walking away from the stress it is basically normal again.
If you don't have some hobbies, it can be boring as I am quite often. As much as you would like to think and I do a heck of a lot of it, you can't hunt & fish 365 days/ yr.

i would sure like to try


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
Like mentioned, if you enjoy what you it as long as you enjoy it.

Otherwise, I plan on going by the mantra of "Retirement is wasted on the old and infirmed". That means I will pull the plug on working for a living once I can replace my work income with retirement income. Don't get me wrong, I like what I do...I just like what I'm so often not able to do because of work even more.

I think keeping active, mentally and phsyically are important as all hell when a person retires. So often I hear about retirees being bored with their lives. There are plenty of things to do, volunteer, PT work, travel, etc.

One of my personal heroes is busier in retirement than many people I know that are fully employed. I think the only real complaint he has would be back issues. Other than that, he's my role model for when I retire.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
Agreed,no such thing as "golden age" my body started falling apart at 65 yrs had a rough life living in western ski resorts by winter oil fields in alaska by summer,no family left except my dad who is failing at 92 yrs so once he's gone i've decided to move to northeast south dakota somewhere between Webster and Aberdeen area,hell I'm out there 5 months out of the year these days,cost of living is about 50% less than here in minnesota,taxes are killing me,house is paid for plus building in my little town has sky rocketed,700 homes this summer within 5 sq miles,folks keep popping out kids and moving here once praire land turned to farm land now developments and roads,it sucks.The upside so far no minorities so zero crime to date,can't remember the last time I locked my house up with only a fur ball woosey golden retriever for defense,just the way I like it.

Well I live in Webster and like you said how people keep popping up...well happens here too. All you MN guys decide to retire and move here. We don't love it either but what do you do? That's not a knock on you personally but we see thousands of blue platers all yr long. Then they move here. UHHGGG! I think when people get older they may need to think about an area where you have good health care available. These small towns have decent clinics but not hospitals.
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★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 11, 2017
Retired at 65. No regrets except to maybe have left sooner. Scrimped in younger years and put aside as much as I could. It sure paid off. Have a great pension so no worries til I croak. No debts. Only bored when I want to be. Only problem, like Lbrant is that my wife is 8 years younger and when she found out how much fun I was having, she quit,too. Not retired, just quit. Bad when she's around the house all day but good when we decide to load up to go see grandkids.

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