

Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 9, 2015
Ah yes, tis the season for more "Us (hunters) against Them (landowners)" stupidity. Winter is the Hunter vs. Landowner and then again in the fall we get the Resident vs Non-resident, but I digress. I think all of these measures are anti-hunting. They do NOTHING to promote good hunter/landowner relations. Trying to take hunting opportunities from the landowner, trying to tell landowners what they can and can not do on their own land while simultaneously demanding they let complete strangers with guns wander all over their land enduring the ruts, garbage, and other dumbness people do HAS to be a pinnacle of STUPIDITY. All this will accomplish is to bring about the all land is posted scenario quicker. Which does the exact opposite of what hunters say they want. Maybe thats what the proponents of these measures really want in the end. Hunters need to understand that landowners don't owe you a place to hunt. They never did and they never will. Hunters will come out the loser if it ever comes to a head. I know this will piss off some people, but that's the reality of the situation. Carry On!!

Oh and CWD is still an non issue, however EHD is a true herd killer.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
I’m just saying it seems like with all the opportunity and game to harvest, the agency you guys live to complain about must be doing a fine job.
Fisheries do a fantastic job. Upland goes the same. I’ve been pretty vocal about things the department does right also.

The big game department is very sub par. That year where 70ish people shot deer out of our yard the department was made well aware there was an over population of deer (not on only yard but every wintering ground for deer around was 2-3x what was feasible there). The big game department isn’t proactive like other departments, it’s 100% reactive and more often than not it puts them behind the 8 ball.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
I’m just saying it seems like with all the opportunity and game to harvest, the agency you guys live to complain about must be doing a fine job.
I’m very fortunate. Our habitat we’ve built gives us a lot of opportunities for deer and even upland birds, and my relationships with guys are the reason for my opportunity elsewhere. But I can show you a good chunk of acres (60kish) that used to be a phone call and good to go or never posted that now are very little access granted because of the big game department/higher ups policies.

Their actions are directly taking away opportunities from sportsmen, and that is a problem.

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