WOW!! Well done BrockW. Your whole response is to question where i got my info when I clearly stated I googled Kansas deer population. Go ahead guys and google it yourselves. You will see the truth of what I stated. Maybe you should be asking Kansas where they got their data and why they themselves claim their deer populations are growing. Nice graphs by the way. However, nowhere on those harvest graphs does it show cwd caused any population declines. Deer populations have fluctuated for time immortal. I remember ND giving out 12 extra doe tags because we had to many deer. Now they hardly give out any doe tags at all. So what? Is that due to cwd? As for the most colorful graph. I will call everyone's attention, including you, to that oh so important word.....PERCEIVED!! Peoples perception doesn't equate to facts and they never will. All you do is bring opinion, innuendo, speculation, and emotions. I did like all the pretty colors though. Carry On!
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