Not to whine or be a smarta$$ but you will have to put that sticker on your boat because that is the law in ND. Same as any other state you travel to, you are required to follow that state's laws.
What if you launch in SD and cross into ND??
Not sure what applies in that case. I'm assuming if you are fishing in ND waters you are required to follow ND rules and viceversa if fishing in SD waters. Is it legal to catch a limit in ND waters and then move to SD waters and catch another limit?
Thanks a lot to everyone who bitched about NDGF “not doing enough”. Ha ha ha.
I would think you should be able to fish both in one day. But can you do it on the same trip? I used to work with a guy from Linton, who said you could, IF you put in on the SD side and went into ND the wardens there were letting both limits come back through on the SD side. OR it could have been the other way around, its been 15 years lol. IMO if you have a license in both states, and you're fishing the state line area. You should be able to catch a limit in each state, on the same trip.
Oh, and how are out of state fishermen supposed to know about the INS sticker? If your from the northern part of SD right on OAHE, it seems pretty stupid to have to pay $15 to cross into ND when you fish the same body of water all the time!
In either case it's back to knowing the rules of the state in which you're fishing. Perhaps the guy you knew was correct and perhaps he wasn't. Perhaps the rules in SD are different than ND. I for sure do not know the rule affecting border waters as I don't fish any border waters. If I did it is my duty to know the rules. Not arguing whether it's a good change to try and stop the transfer of ANS, just that not knowing the rules isn't a valid argument.
Umm.. Not sure where you you get your info but this is completely false.
The only ANS fee in Montana is paid for with fishing licences. $2 for Residents and $15 for NR's
Its been a controversial subject for awhile as its unfair that the fisherman pay the entire amount when the thousands of tubers/ pontooners and pleasure boaters pay NOTHING if they don't buy a fishing license.
I agree. Lot of people bitching about nothing being done, and now bitching about something being done.
I went thru a check station in mid October, at fort peck, Nashua. I was then directed to the region 6 office in Glasgow. I'm the first non resident to pay the $30.00... Maybe you would like to bet $30.00 on that statement ???
I stand corrected. It was implemented on October 1. I'm on my way to MT with my boat this weekend and I couldn't find any press releases or any new information on it via google so I called and in typical Fish and Game fashion the first two people I spoke with really had no idea anything had changed and the third told me it was motorized vessels only, which I later found online is untrue.
Still chaps my ass that all the tubers who flood the rivers out there all summer pay ZIP but the dude who puts on waders and goes fishing has to fork over $15![]()