Your craziest fishing moment


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 2, 2015

I was fishing with 2 buddies in a small 14' fiberglass Glastron (i think) from the 1960's I believe. It was the high school years.
The wind came up pretty good. 30-40 mph. So we pulled up to shore at camp and tied the boat off to a boulder on shore.
Sitting in the pickup I notice the boat has come untied and is drifting away (wind blowing straight away from shore ... straight out!
I jump out of the pickup, and start running for the boat all Baywatch style. I dive into the water head 1st and start swimming my arse off. It had to have looked pretty badass'd!!
I make it about 50 yards out and decide to look up and see where the boat is. It's about a cool mile away!! Wind was-a-whippin after all.
It's at this point that I turn around for the swim back to shore (into the wind). I get a nasty cramp in my hammy and freak right the F out! My body locked up tighter than a nuns vag.
So, here I am, flailing about in the water, keeping my head above water maybe 1/4 of the time. I catch a glance at my buddies in the pickup and they are laughing their asses off, assuming that I am just fooling around. It was my M.O. after all.
Long story long, luckily the people camping next to us were smart enough to tell the difference from a drowning man and a dude happily swimming in hurricane level weather, and came out with their boat and saved my poor soul just in the nick of time.

When I got on shore my body was so tight that I couldn't even stand up for multiple hours.

Pathetic story, but looking back, pretty damn funny.

What's your craziest fishing story?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Fishing in the thick/nasty trees in Devils. Very Early 2000's as one of my fishing partners had his brand new 1st cell phone. The wind is flat so we're able to really get into the thickest stuff. I make a hard turn into the next "lane" and I have to duck under a branch. 2nd guy ducks under just fine, 3rd guy in the back is working on a snag (doesn't tell me he's snagged) and doesn't hear "duck" or see the branch coming. The branch bumps him and just before it pushes him outta the boat, he deftly perches hisself lengthwise upon the branch and the boat drives away. Fisherman #2 and I are then alerted to his non-presence in the boat, get lines in, get the boat spun, and get the boat ALMOST back under him when the offending branch decides that today is the day to morph from "dead tree branch" to "driftwood" with fisherman #3 still perched atop it. Water was warm, weather was gorgeous, and the only "injury" was that Fisherman #3's brandy new 1st ever cell phone never did work quite right after that.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Not where I'd like to be
MicLee, I feel some of your pain. I've also had to swim after a boat before. The water was about 55 degrees, so fairly unpleasant, but luckily the boat was only about 75 yards and I had towels and extra clothes in it.

I also went swimming one time to get my rod back. I had put it down with lure floating on top of the water to tend to whatever my kid was yelling about. I heard a "plooop", turned around and saw it heading for the bottom. It was my best-good setup. There's no way I was gonna let a bass make off with it. I dove in head first and was able to grab it. It's hard to set a hook while treading water, so sadly, the fish got away.

Not all that "crazy" but continuing with the 'disaster' line, my brother and I were fishing and he was all proud of his brand new G Loomis. In those days, I thought it was absurd to pay that much for a fishing rod. So we're pulling spinners, and he hooks a great big tree branch. He gets it up to the boat and pulls it out of the water. He lays his Loomis down with half of it hanging over the edge so he could grab the branch with both hands. When we catch a stick, we like to throw it towards shore to keep our fishing lanes clear. So he goes to launch it like a damn Scottsman throwing a log, and the top of it breaks off, falls on top of his rod and snaps it in half. There was a moment of stunned disbelief followed by enough cursing to make a sailor blush.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Bismarck, ND
In high school we were at a buddies cabin. Another buddie and I took the row boat out to do some fishing. It was a small boat. We decide to cast some cranks. About the tenth cast after checking to make sure my path was clear I let one fly only to have the lure not go anywhere. I hear a scream of pain and turn around to find my lure buried in my buddies skull. He had stood up at just the wrong moment (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Anyway, I figure I'd do the nice thing and row us back to shore. I had never really done that before and could get the dingy going anywhere except in circles. My buddy gets pissed and grabs the oars from me and proceeds to row us back to the cabin with two treble hooks buried up to the shanks in his head. I think this event is way funnier than he does. In my defense, I did pay his ER bill!


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Jamestown ND
A buddy and I were fishing a small tournament on the Res. I had a fish on both of my lines at the same time, so he abandoned the trolling motor to help out. He flung a 14 inch walleye into the boat and the stinger hook lodged in the inside of my elbow. There I am standing with a fish hanging from my arm, when the fish decides to flip out all over the place. I yell that I need help. My buddy grabs the other rod from me (thinking that was the help I needed) and flings a 4 pound Northern into the boat which instantly goes into a death roll and gets tangled up in my line which is already attached to my arm. Now I have 2 fish freaking out on the line pulling the hook deeper into my arm. I stomp on the Northern and my buddy unhooks the walleye, so now it only a matter of having a hook in my arm. I am mad and tell my buddy to just rip it through - I don't care about tearing the skin, I just want the hook out of my arm. So he grabs the line and starts yanking on it but not hard enough to pull it through - the skin stretches out about 3 inches each pull and hurts about 10 times worse than it did with both fish attached to it. We ended up cutting the hook and pushing it through. The entire ordeal lasted maybe 15 or 20 minutes all the while the boat was going in circles in the middle of the lake. I can only imagine what it looked like to anyone watching that circus.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Taking a deuce of the edge of the boat in front of a crowd of other boats, was a now or never moment and shitting infront of the crowd was a better option than in my pants.:;:huh


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Jamestown ND
Fishing in the thick/nasty trees in Devils. Very Early 2000's as one of my fishing partners had his brand new 1st cell phone. The wind is flat so we're able to really get into the thickest stuff. I make a hard turn into the next "lane" and I have to duck under a branch. 2nd guy ducks under just fine, 3rd guy in the back is working on a snag (doesn't tell me he's snagged) and doesn't hear "duck" or see the branch coming. The branch bumps him and just before it pushes him outta the boat, he deftly perches hisself lengthwise upon the branch and the boat drives away. Fisherman #2 and I are then alerted to his non-presence in the boat, get lines in, get the boat spun, and get the boat ALMOST back under him when the offending branch decides that today is the day to morph from "dead tree branch" to "driftwood" with fisherman #3 still perched atop it. Water was warm, weather was gorgeous, and the only "injury" was that Fisherman #3's brandy new 1st ever cell phone never did work quite right after that.

Same thing happened to me as fisherman #3 except I never had a cell phone at the time. But since I don't swim, it wasn't funny at all from my perspective.

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