I'm on the fence with this subject because unfortunately it's the assholes on both sides of the subject that make it bad for the rest of us who have been blessed with some common sense and respect to one's who have the same. Nothing is as bad as it was in the past, especially the beet and potato harvest since these to times seemed to be impacted by mother nature in the form of precipitation. Pavement would be covered in slick mud that could cuase one to lose control if you were impaired by mud on the windshield or unaware the pavement was like driving on bare ice. I believe that there was I bad accident in Minnesota by Crookston area during beet harvest at night when i woman was on her way home from work in Crookston and had to drive on a road that was next to a beet piles. She ended up hitting a loaded beet truck head on when her vehicles windshield was too dirty to see thru, but the worst part is the beet truck was driving with one head light out and the other was caked with bud and was so dim you couldn't see it. She ended up dying from her injuries, but it made an example that the farmers needed to maintain a clean road especially during times of rainy periods. It's unfortunate that humans can only get the big picture after a terrible event that changes people's lives forever. Common sense though lacking for some people and no excuse for those for whatever reason have it still refuse to use it because they are pissed off because the otherside is an asshole.