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OK, the most popular question was about the 7 blade RV style plug for trailers.
I like this one and have it on all 4 of my trailers. I use all 7 on 3 of my trailers but just because theres 7 blades there you don't have to.
With 7 blades I can do a lot. Here's what I use them for and the wiring gauge I used on mine, if you see 2 choices I used the bigger one (smaller number).
10 gauge-------12 volt power
10 gauge-------Ground
12 gauge-------Trailer brakes
12/14 gauge---Left turn/brake lights
12/14 gauge---Right turn/brake lights
12/14 gauge---Tail or running lights
12/14 gauge---Back up lights
OK, I know someone is wondering what I need 12 volt power to the trailer for. I have a winch and battery on 2 of my trailers so I use it to keep the batteries charged, on my camper I use to to keep the 2 camper batteries charged. On the other trailer I don't use it at all.
I have a 10 gauge ground wire in addition to the trailer frame grounding through the hitch and ball on the truck. If you have a bad, corroded or weak ground you're going to have nothing but trouble with lights and brakes on your trailer.
One of the blades is for the trailer brakes and break away switch.
One is for the running or tail lights.
One is for the left turn and brake.
One is for the right turn and brake.
One is for back up lights. Everywhere I go I'm usually either starting, ending or both ends of the trip in the dark. I like seeing where the trailer is headed as I'm backing up. In addition to working off reverse in the tow vehicle I also have a switch in the tow vehicle that turns them off and on. That way I can leave the truck running with the A/C or heat on in park and have the lights on too.
Here's a diagram of the truck and trailer ends of the 7 blade RV style. I know that some of your trailer and trucks do not have the same colors in the same places, don't worry we'll get to that.
The truck side on on the left and the trailer is on the right.
I like this one and have it on all 4 of my trailers. I use all 7 on 3 of my trailers but just because theres 7 blades there you don't have to.
With 7 blades I can do a lot. Here's what I use them for and the wiring gauge I used on mine, if you see 2 choices I used the bigger one (smaller number).
10 gauge-------12 volt power
10 gauge-------Ground
12 gauge-------Trailer brakes
12/14 gauge---Left turn/brake lights
12/14 gauge---Right turn/brake lights
12/14 gauge---Tail or running lights
12/14 gauge---Back up lights
OK, I know someone is wondering what I need 12 volt power to the trailer for. I have a winch and battery on 2 of my trailers so I use it to keep the batteries charged, on my camper I use to to keep the 2 camper batteries charged. On the other trailer I don't use it at all.
I have a 10 gauge ground wire in addition to the trailer frame grounding through the hitch and ball on the truck. If you have a bad, corroded or weak ground you're going to have nothing but trouble with lights and brakes on your trailer.
One of the blades is for the trailer brakes and break away switch.
One is for the running or tail lights.
One is for the left turn and brake.
One is for the right turn and brake.
One is for back up lights. Everywhere I go I'm usually either starting, ending or both ends of the trip in the dark. I like seeing where the trailer is headed as I'm backing up. In addition to working off reverse in the tow vehicle I also have a switch in the tow vehicle that turns them off and on. That way I can leave the truck running with the A/C or heat on in park and have the lights on too.
Here's a diagram of the truck and trailer ends of the 7 blade RV style. I know that some of your trailer and trucks do not have the same colors in the same places, don't worry we'll get to that.
The truck side on on the left and the trailer is on the right.