ABSOLUTLEY !!! ! #guy'sgaylifematters :;:stirthepot:;:stirthepot
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NOBODY needs to crash in a vehicle. Bring a sleeping bag. I have plenty of room under a roof or in a camper for everyone to crash without turning ones back into a pretzel. Mama wants to know if anyone would like to have prime rib again for a modest donation??
If I come, I will have my own accommodations a fancy tpee with air matteress and all
Don't forget a blanket or two if you're going to sleep in the shop. Froze my ass off and the chickens don't cuddle well.
Ill clean some items out of my desk for a prize package, in honor of hunt2much
I am planning on attending this year. If anyone has an extra seat on a boat that would be great, if not, I can drink(fish) from shore too!
I still laugh about that.If anyone backs V's boat down the ramp. Make sure he remembers to take both transom straps off. :;:sorry