while a variety of fish were caught only a few made it back to the weigh-in
largest perch went to Mrs. JUSTWINGNIT as she proved to be the fisherperson in the family, however unavailable for her photo op at the time Mr. JUSTWINGNIT ws quick to snatch up the prize:
the only other species to make it to weigh-in was white bass, largest caught by the kayak king RD

receiving a bag of custom jigs, which he was greatly appreciative of...
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...and the winner of the coveted NDA Bullhead Jedi Master Fishcatcher trophy
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…stupid commodore 64 is buffering
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This year a was first in event history the contestant with the most bullhead also had the smallest bullhead welding both traveling trophies…
And the award for most weight with a staggering off the charts topping 5 lbs 9oz. goes to
Colonel Angus

smallest bullhead and traveling prize package
the two time winner and trophy champion also recieved a blade knife from Dakota Technologies