2017 Rifle Season Even During Thanksgiving-Long Story


Founding Member
Founding Member
Dec 1, 2015
So the ND rifle season of 2017 has come to a close. This year has been interesting as usual for me with deciding to break out the ol Ruger7mm rem mag especially with the opportunity to put many hours in the blind. We had some pics of some nice bucks and one that I really wanted to come across. The year started off opening day later in the afternoon and shortly after settling in I see a REALLY big buck body and dark horns chasing a doe but the problem is he is 450yds away with a 30mph cross wind, me knowing the area and been in this position before it is just a matter of time till I get a chance. the opening weekend passes with less mature deer traffic in shooting range, encouraging thing is lots of young bucks and does as well as the pheasants that I got to watch, damn the colors are great with the sun setting on them.
I had a couple days off and when I woke up to see the fog I figured it was going to be a good movement day as it usually seems to especially with the chasing I was seeing.
there was movement but not what I expected and if I wanted to shoot the scope was not my friend past 50-70yds. Second weekend finds myself and my buddy that is bow hunting and chasing a couple monsters with me just playing patience game. On Sunday we met up in the afternoon for a sit break and his sitting move and come to find out that the corn across the road is coming down right now. So we are left with what do we do to our plans? does he go to the hills blind and I go back to mine, do I sit in a belt that is a great chance to be runway with safe shooting areas but tight shooting or does he sit with his bow and if that big one we think alluding me goes by him he gets a chance and should funnel to me if he doesn't? We went with the last option and I get a couple great pictures.
So there is nothing shot but it was a very nice night and always reminds me there is so much to love about ND! We will continue to grind a bit and talk out ideas and options. Thanksgiving morning is coming and we are both sitting in the morning but the only question is do I finally make a move to get into the area I have now seen I'm pretty sure the same big buck with the wind being in my favor which in the past I have messed up. Well I decide with the advice of my buddy to just go for it and take my time, I know it is going to be close range seeing all the way to 100-200yd possibilities but the little fog and clouds will be great till they burned off and I was working into the sun the whole time. Again I see a nice young up and comer that is maybe 2 and is a nice 4x4 already more pheasants and 2 big yotes that did not give me a shot. We each sneak our way out and meet up before heading to dinner with our families. After eating way too much and the weather being too nice I decided to hit the blind again beings it is not far from the farm, which is dangerous with the turkey sleep factor. It was a very enjoyable sit watching the pheasants and a young doe just looking and chasing a couple out of curiosity. There are 3 fawns grazing south of me with a southerly breeze and as I look north there are two mature does which is normally good because a buck can be behind them but they are staring at me and I figure I'm busted. I turn back to the fawns expecting to position my rifle north to find that there is a big buck walking into them! Good body, tall dark horns and coming at perfect angle and Has no idea I am there. Its perfect as I and this gun have made these shots at 100yds like this and it is always a blood pumper for me with a good buck (I always say the day I loose "That Feeling" I will hang it up), I center on the shoulder area and squeeze on the trigger to see the buck hunch up head down so I know it is a hit as he only runs about 5 steps, then he just starts walking as if nothing happened for about 20yds. I get the oh crap moment and reload to rush another shot which will knock him down but it doesn't and he walks down the cattails. I figure he had to be hit so I went to look for blood and as I walk over I get a new surprise. I see him plain as day but not on his side but on his feet 100yd away broadside looking at me and the shakes begin. I drop to a knee and get the scope on him to make sure it was not a second buck that I didn't see and could finally be confident that it has to be the same deer based off of width height and color (we don't have many dark horned deer). I try to stop shaking to settle in but with the curve of the hill I can't get on the body good, I stand up and walk 8-10 feet backwards to a hump for a better shot still shaking. Get the nerves and breathing somewhat in check and pull the trigger only to see the buck move again.
This time straight to the ground!
And for the Tag Police

Skinning out the head my the Old Timer once again get the call. My Grandpa gave this to me when I was a little over knee high. As I was skinning with just the company of my lab I just felt that someone was watching and I am pretty sure its pa and remembering him he has his Norwegian smile just glad that I still use it to this day.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Dec 1, 2015
Nice buck and good shootin'.

With the first 2 shots being misses I don't know if it was good shooting. Funny how the easy decent rifle rest are misses and the shaking off the knee shot takes him down. I will be hitting the bench to see if everything is still good with the rifle when I get a chance.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
NW ND somewhere
With the first 2 shots being misses I don't know if it was good shooting. Funny how the easy decent rifle rest are misses and the shaking off the knee shot takes him down. I will be hitting the bench to see if everything is still good with the rifle when I get a chance.

I reckon your feeling luv...pretty much had the same scenario for me this season, small 4 x 4 buck, nose to ground, walking broadside 125 yds out, couldn't keep my scope on him, missed, he spun 180 degrees and ran the opposite direction, I hurried a second shot only to miss again shooting behind him, seeing the dust were the bullet hit, even today, I'm still wonder how the hell I missed him the first time.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Dec 1, 2015
I definitely had an adrenaline dump I can tell you that much after seeing him go down. I also see that I forgot to mention that on inspection one of my first shots did graze him on the bottom of the neck, almost like a knife slit. So I am really glad I got him cause I fear wounding and not recovering more than anything and in that particular area it is very easy for that to happen so I was lucky. More shooting practice will be coming as I have been slacking the last 2 years.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Congratulations on a well earned trophy!! Great Deer!! Thanks for the story too!!


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 13, 2015
Central, AZ
luvcatchingbass;177857[B said:
]With the first 2 shots being misses I don't know if it was good shooting.[/B] Funny how the easy decent rifle rest are misses and the shaking off the knee shot takes him down. I will be hitting the bench to see if everything is still good with the rifle when I get a chance.

Those weren't misses you just were scaring him to make him run farther away to give him a sporting chance!

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