I know I’ll get a bunch of crap for this but I’m prepared. Picked up a T/C Compass 6.5 Creedmoor a couple months back. Brand new, budget rifle in a chambering I’ve been curious about for awhile. $275 out the door. Threw on a cheap Simmons 3-12x scope I had collecting dust at home and hit the range with various factory ammo. At 100 yards, almost everything shot under 1”. Started rolling my own with H4350 and 143gr. ELD-X bullets. Decided to take the 40.5, 41, and 41.5gr. loads and load up five more of each to test. What do you think, will I see more interesting results if I shoot these groups at 200-300 yards instead of 100? Here’s the target from first load development:

Bring on the manbun jokes, I can take it

Bring on the manbun jokes, I can take it
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