I was minding my own business as I usually do, and out of no where a bird of some sort whacks the window and I think I might have pooped a little bit.
Thanks. Always a challenge figuring out a way to lower them. I put a 200+ lb counter weight on the bottom so I can just pivot it down. Course the house will tip sideways so I won’t do it during egg season. Will see how it works over time. I can’t take credit for the house, a friend built it years ago but moved away so I inherited it. I constructed from the house downI'm not a birder either but I like the way you did your pole and your house looks great. I'm building one but went with a bigger house with air shaft in the middle for it to slide up and down the pole. I'm too stubborn, I told my wife I was going to make it out of some 115 year old barn lumber, bad plan. That stuff works for crafts but it's so warped and cupped that it's tough to make anything out of it. I'm not a carpenter either but have all the tools and I'm not a birder but I'm building a bird house ? Boy these long winters get to a guy. lol
I was minding my own business as I usually do, and out of no where a bird of some sort whacks the window and I think I might have pooped a little bit.
I heard the sea birds are supposed to be a Mormon miracle?...Anyone know the deal? Was a bit shocked to first see these birds so far inland. When I was little in the Hills; a bunch of seagulls were blown off course in a winter storm and ended up in the K-Mart parking lot. It made the paper.I live in the Missouri River forest, the peak of those migrating up the river was a week ago, but what a parade of every type of water bird! Pelicans we’re non stop for an all dayer…if only shooting cormorants was legal…
Maybe he could stop this by doing a "Pulp Fiction" on a couple.My brother lives north of Bismarck near the river. He told me today that there are thousands of robins at his home. Constantly hitting the sliding door.
Juncos are a year round bird in and around Minot. About ten years ago I posted about seeing a robin in the ass crack of January...I found it strange. This time of year around my feeders you could see downy/hairy woodpeckers, white/orange breasted nuthatches, pine siskins, goldfinches, juncos, house finches, various sparrows and pheasant.We had a few Robins and dozens of Juncos show up last week . Two days ago the Northern Flickers showed up, We had never saw one before and today there are 3 pairs fighting for territory.