I can deal with people that are slow because they are solo or have their wife or kids with, if they are using common sense. What drives me nut is the person that waits in line to drop in and sits in the vehicle then when it's their turn to back in they start to remove the cover, load the coolers, water toys, rods, etc.
I am behind this lady every time I go to the grocery store too, she sits and waits for her 100 items to be rung up, bagged, put into the cart, and the total to be advertised on the screen, the lady to tell her the total, then she finally gets her effing check book out of her purse and starts to write the check. Then after writing the check she has to record it in her GD check record keeper, and ;;;;;;; balance the transaction. All before giving the clerk the check.
One of these times I am going to ask the old bag infront of me if she is planning on using a check for her purchases that day and remind her to start writing out the known information immediately.
sorry ;:;hijacked