Who in here wears them. I just purchases one for this weekends fishing tournament and was wondering if anyone else uses them. Pros, Cons, good, bad, ugly, lets here it.
I use them quite a bit. Wear a hat and it just pulls up over the ears and covers all of your face and neck. Some potential to fog up sunglasses if you wear them, but typically only on cooler days. I really like mine for cooler weather, to keep a chill off my face, especially breezy days or riding a four-wheeler or wha have you. One definite plus they have is they keep most bugs from biting through. That for me seals the deal. I think you'll like them.
I use the insect shield "buff" and it seems to help keep the geen no see'ums and flies from bothering me. And I am too lazy and don't like sunscreen so I like the buff wear.