Hi... I'm Dennis!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jan 4, 2015
Hello, my name Dennis. I have been freelance coding & doing web development since late 2006. I have worked at several websites doing administrative & development positions. Everywhere from Forum Moderator to General Manager to running my own websites.

I played around with code back in the day, just basic HTML stuff when I was still in High School... I didn't have internet at home yet, so I would hang out at the library after school and browse the web & find neat things to take apart & learn how it worked. Would view source code & download site pages for 'Offline View' & take them home on my 128MB flashdrive to play with somemore. Built a couple garbage sites from that (that I wish I could find just for memory sake).

I started in 2006 working for a gaming community GamingEmpires.com which at the time was about 6 years old; as a moderator for the America's Army forums. In turn worked my way through the positions & made Senior General Manager. In late 2009 the site closed as a result of one of the main investors passing away.

During my reign at GamingEmpires, I opened my own Online Radio station, Black Hawk Radio, which in turn got changed to WorkGamingRadio (when GamingEmpires changed to WorldGamingInc.) & ran that for a number of years... We closed because of the change to online media streaming laws.

From there, I did alot of freelance stuff, just working on forums to code & get their vBulletin templates finished & adding features on demand.

Worked for a couple graphics design websites, which was I think the funnest of them all... Shady-Designs & SigRequest.com

I ended up taking my Gaming Community experience that I got from GamingEmpires/WorldGamingInc. & applying at DGSemiPro (Now closed) working as Site Development helping with the construction of their ladder system as well as working with vBulletin system integration & such.

(Don't worry this ramble is almost over)

While working there I opened a website hosting company, which I think was my best creation yet... Sadly, I hit a speed bump in my real life & couldn't afford to continue paying for the services needed to keep it running & even sadder, it wasn't making me profit yet (2 1/2 years running). So I had no choice but to scrap it...

Now I am working on just a personal project just a home brew CMS & doing websites for my employer's clients. And of course, working for Mr Vollmer here at Nodak Angler

Okay, ramble is over :)


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
North Dakota
Why hello there Dennis! Not sure if I should welcome you to the threads or should thank you for the site?! Better just say thanks. THANK YOU!

I hope that it's just a temporary speed bump for ya. This site looks great. Really enjoying being on here!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Minto, North Dakota, United States
do you do website design and maintenance as a side thing also then? my company is looking to hire someone on to overhaul our website and then do monthly updates. if this is something you are interested in PM me. Thanks!

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