Now is a good time to look at getting out fer a rip in Bismarck/Mandan for adult hockey.
There are multiple leagues
"A" League for former college guys, high school players who can still wheel and skate, they have a friday noon pickup skate and then have formed teams for sunday evening play.
the has a "B" and "c" league
These teams are for less skilled or tad bot older players but guys who juat want to have fun, a couple cold ones after, maybe before and durring too, but good times.
The league teams are a bit more difficult to get on due to the fact we do rank the players and do everything we can to "balance" the teams so competition is even, but we are always looking for more players to fit, especially average players, thats actually tough to find.
However we do start up our Saturday night pickup hockey very soon and that is THE BEST way to get back on the ice and givr to see where you are, we'll let you know if your too good and encourage you to find the A leagues froday noon skate but I dont remember every telling anyone they weren't good enough to skate with us. Its a good time, is very low cost and easy to ease into.
Check the website and get on the email list to explore further
P.S. He who brings beers to saturday pickup to share is popular fast.
There is also an older slower group that skates sunday as well if thats a fit, notso much a competitive league as just slower shinny, but a good time.