Are you into photography ? You could grab a camera and a hunting magazine or in my case just a pair of binos, I should carry a camera but I think just watching them is as hunting for me. Iv'e watched them for years and still haven't figured them out but Iv'e gained a lot of respect for them. The sense of smell is way better than a dog. Wife watched a doe out in the yard one morning and an hour later a buck came running nose down he made one circle around the yard and when he picked up the scent he never missed a stride, ran exactly where the doe had ran.Well, I punched my rifle deer tag on Saturday and put an end to my deer hunting season. It's always bitter sweet to be done right? I'm actually a bit sad I'm not going to be able to hunt deer anymore this year. But, here's the thing. I'm already obsessing over next year. Looking at maps of my bow hunting permission. Looking at draw odds for rifle here and other states. Ive started reading books on whitetail behavior. It's been like 3 days and I'm already neck deep in next year.
I didn't start deer hunting until I was a bit older (19), I'm now 35 and finally able to find success with some predictability. The more things start making sense, the more wrapped up in learning and improving I get. It seems like every year the obsession gets more and more. I mean, it could be worse things, but even I am looking at myself and shaking my head a little bit.
That being said, I'm reading “Big Buck Secrets” by Steve Bartylla and getting some pretty good information from it. I've also been listening to the "Deer University" podcast put out by the Mississippi State University Deer Lab.
Anyone have any other good resources for learning more about deer and deer hunting. I know, time in the woods is best, but gotta fill off season with something, may as well be this!
Aaron-There's a cure for this, its called waiting till the last weekend, pass up on soo soo bucks the first weekend to put stress on you to fill the last weekend. LOL but good for you to fill the tag early. I should have had one hanging last Saturday too. but NOOOO decided to grab the binos and size him up and he bolted before I could even get a glimpse of the horns, we took of like bat out of hell to prevent him from jumping the fence to posted can do...we done messed up. I got 10 more days.Well, I punched my rifle deer tag on Saturday and put an end to my deer hunting season. It's always bitter sweet to be done right? I'm actually a bit sad I'm not going to be able to hunt deer anymore this year. But, here's the thing. I'm already obsessing over next year. Looking at maps of my bow hunting permission. Looking at draw odds for rifle here and other states. Ive started reading books on whitetail behavior. It's been like 3 days and I'm already neck deep in next year.
I didn't start deer hunting until I was a bit older (19), I'm now 35 and finally able to find success with some predictability. The more things start making sense, the more wrapped up in learning and improving I get. It seems like every year the obsession gets more and more. I mean, it could be worse things, but even I am looking at myself and shaking my head a little bit.
That being said, I'm reading “Big Buck Secrets” by Steve Bartylla and getting some pretty good information from it. I've also been listening to the "Deer University" podcast put out by the Mississippi State University Deer Lab.
Anyone have any other good resources for learning more about deer and deer hunting. I know, time in the woods is best, but gotta fill off season with something, may as well be this!
Truth right there, I luckily have 3 sons 10,8,7 and my wife all love to hunt I pretty much devote my fall to them. My 9 year old shot his first buck last year with his bow and honestly tops anything I’ve ever done hunting wise. It went maybe 60 yards and it toppled over and all he could keep saying is “ dad it’s down it’s down” this year he’s been more picky and has missed 1x as well. He doesn’t love the cold but little buddy heater and hopefully we get some opportunities lateI used to be obsessive over deer hunting. If I had a doe tag I would pass on several does just so I could stay in the field and continue hunting. Unfortunately, I have lost some love for hunting and began focusing more on fishing. I'm sure that will change as my kids get older and my son is already chomping at the bit to deer hunt. However, things will look different since my passion will be more for him and his joy then for myself.
This, for sure. There's land in the area we hunt that's been inherited by people out of state and they have never posted because of that. Now they can sit at their computers in California and post it.The electronic posting has definitely put a hamper on hunting in ND. I've been spending way more time fishing and hunting out of state.
wait for Lunk to chime in LOLOr covid
They both love habitat edges and are total pussies compared to their superior native western counterparts, the mule deer and the sharptailCan you expand on what you mean?
The last duck i seen quacked i out of here come sunday!birds and dogs have always been my number 1 but for a few years i really got into deer/ big game hunting. I will be looking for ducks while deer hunting with the boy this weekend.
Right now is the most waterfowl i have seen in the last 10 years. It has been an amazing year even if it ended tomorrow. I think we have another month with the river birds still to comeThe last duck i seen quacked i out of here come sunday!
You're playing into "their" hands by quitting, Please don't. If it comes to that unfortunate point use a kid to fill your tag and challenge LE to a media circus if it comes to a ticket. I mean a real kid who needs supervision with a sack 'o snacks and a Thermos of hot chocolate.After not drawing a deer tag for six straight years I quit. That was at least a dozen years ago. Don’t miss it
You're playing into "their" hands by quitting, Please don't. If it comes to that unfortunate point use a kid to fill your tag and challenge LE to a media circus if it comes to a ticket. I mean a real kid who needs supervision with a sack 'o snacks and a Thermos of hot chocolate.
Orange man bad.Camper;
How do you post? db