That study i posted is 100 pages but has alot of info on just how effective of a predator the lions is
KDM... you are fun.
The NDGF is not managing a population outside the core area... there is no quota in 2E for lions. So, I don't know how you are assuming the NDGF wants 1 resident lion in this area. That is news to me.
You must have been the mathematician for Al Gore's global warming calculations... you are seriously counting a fawn loss as an extra death from a hypothetical doe killed because she would have had a fawn the following year? So, now it counts as 2 kills. So, every rifle and archery hunter that shoots a doe is taking an extra deer over their limit because they are technically killing 2 deer because that doe would have had a fawn the following year. Hell, lets stretch that out over 5 years... one dead doe would have resulted in 32 deer 5 years later. My god, how can we sustain a population when 1 cat is killing 32 deer if it kills of one doe. LISTEN TO YOURSELF...
Remember KDM...
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Less deer means less tags which means less guys from WI coming here! See that was easy.:;:howdyWasn't talking to you CH in that post. The extra loss was for that year only and that is only hypothetical and not fact, but is useful to illustrate the potential impact of one lion on deer populations with respect to tag numbers. I thought you were smart enough to pick up on that. However, keep the original 52 deer killed per lion as a basis and try to show me where I'm wrong. Show me the benefits of having lions in ND. If you can.
Less deer means less tags which means less guys from WI coming here! See that was easy.:;:howdy
I say we take NDGF out of the game and let nature run its course. They're God's lions not the Game and Fish. If He wants them to stay, they will.
Remember this:
Better to READ my post and THINK about it then to scan it frivolously before showing your true self in a post Coyote Hunter!!!!
I NEVER ONCE said lions were the main reason deer numbers plummeted in the badlands or any other part of the state. My whole post was about how lions, regardless of winter, vehicle collisions, Disease, or any other population control factor WILL further reduce deer populations wherever the two species interact. As far as deer numbers being low across the state, NONE of that makes any difference. Lions, where they are found in ND, have a drastic and dramatic affect on the deer herd there as stated by the NDGF themselves with each lion killing 52 deer annually. Try to keep on target here. You state deer numbers are down statewide. How do YOU know?? The NDGF hasn't flown an aerial survey for white tails in many years, to include this one. Try to do some research before spewing statements that have no backing. I can back up everything I've said with information and reports from the NDGF themselves and have posted this information before. If you can show me how having 1 lion in ND will benefit ND sportsmen more than it will cost them, I'd like to hear it. I deal in numbers and facts, not emotion and politics. I don't care that the lions and deer can coexist. I've shown, on paper, what the costs are to ND sportsmen by having lions. Your turn to show me the benefits to ND sportsmen by having lions.
I can't argue that white tail deer numbers are up or down anywhere in the state as there is almost zero data to support for or against either position. For that matter neither can you. The NDGF hasn't done a survey for white tails in many years as I said so anything YOU OR I say would be purely a guess, which is pretty much what they do now. So everything about that part of your post is irrelevant to the lions in ND issue. Nice try at muddying the water with superfluous and meaningless verbal nothingness.
The doe to fawn ratio has nothing to do with lions. It has to do with the number of fawn produced per each doe across an area. Does killed by lions can't and won't be included in any such study as they are dead, so I'm not to sure why you felt that was relevant to your argument. Are you trying to say that lions increase the fawn to doe ratio??
You STILL haven't shown me the benefits to sportsmen by having lions in ND.