Mountain Lion Meeting in Fargo tonight, who's going?


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 27, 2015
R u sure about that?

No doubt wow where do people get this kind of mentality? There will always be mt lions and coyotes. The NDGF can screw around withbthe rules and it wont matter to me. I see one i shoot it or miss it.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Because I think they are an awesome animal... and I would like to get one some day. The mule deer numbers will rebound whether cats are around of not. The winters dictate deer numbers way more than a few mountain lions.

I think they are awesome animals as well and would like to take one myself, but I have a couple additional questions. In your opinion, don't you already have the opportunity to take a lion in just about every rocky mountain state at a very affordable price without ND having a single lion? Also, In you opinion, wouldn't mule deer numbers rebound faster and stay more viable without lion predation regardless of the type of winter ND has?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
We have Mt. lions in ND? But the G&F always told us there were none.............

Really guys that was not that long ago this agency that now is "managing" them said there were none.

Horses or calves clawed up on the ass and bite marks on the neck were "coyotes or something". If I remember right there were a couple horses clawed up at Denbigh they denied were lions and claimed there were none in the state and then just shortly after the out of state mt. bikers were "stalked" on the Ma Da Hey and they suddenly had mt lions in the state.

After my conversation with Randy Kriel those years ago in Bowbells, I don;t put a lot of stock in some of what the G&F comes up with.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
sites like nda and fbo provide a solid cross section of individuals and opinions. most bases do end up getting covered, that is, when svn doesn't immediately pollute/kill a thread with rock videos. :;:smokin[/QUOTE]

What style would you prefer?
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Founding Member
Founding Member
May 27, 2015
I have had many convos with kriel and jeb both. They are peas in a pod. I think they are good guys and are also told what to do. They have no real power in their positions. Damned if you do damned if you dont scenerio... #yesmen

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my favorite is when they spout off about their degrees... Then someone inevitably shows up with advanced degrees. That is when the fun starts.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 30, 2015
In front.
Why is it poorly worded it is a simple yes or no question?

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Poorly written because the answer is yes, we should worry. we should worry that a sustainable population is the goal of the gnf. we should worry that they continue to put their personal agendas before the will of the people (not-so-new norm) we should worry that they continue wasting time and (seemingly unlimited?) resource$ persuing a media blitz geared towards convincing people we NEED apex predators competing with us hunters for our limited resources. we should worry about their willingness to skew or not provide pertinent data when requested.....

You could go on and on


I knew what you meant ;)so I selected no
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Coyote Hunter

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
North Dakota
I think they are awesome animals as well and would like to take one myself, but I have a couple additional questions. In your opinion, don't you already have the opportunity to take a lion in just about every rocky mountain state at a very affordable price without ND having a single lion? Also, In you opinion, wouldn't mule deer numbers rebound faster and stay more viable without lion predation regardless of the type of winter ND has?

Yes, I do have that opportunity... but with the same line of thinking, don't you still have the chance to hunt and harvest a mule deer with mountain lions living in the state? I know a lot of guys that have shot great bucks in the last 10 yrs in the badlands (in the heart of the cat country). And... don't you also have the opportunity to hunt mule deer in other Western States also?

I also think mule deer numbers would rebound faster with no coyotes... no oil production... no vehicles, but nature and humans do need to coexist. Winters have, and always will drive wildlife populations in North Dakota. We can lessen that impact with habitat preservation, etc.

Just my opinion...

badland mule

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
There were a lot of pissed off ranchers at the meeting in Killdeer last night. The consensus among ranchers was that there are too many lions right now. They all said deer numbers are down but Jeb kept telling them that according to thier surveys the mule deer numbers were up.
When asked about a lottery Jeb said he didn't think it was a good idea.
One landowner said that there are no beavers left on the killdeer mountains and he wonders what species they are going to wipe out next. Another rancher said he now leaves the gates to his high fence hay yards open so that deer have a place to hide out from the lions. Several ranchers said they have seen cats in there yards on several occasions and won't even let there kids go feed bottle calves.
I got the feeling if the game and fish drastically reduces the quota the landowners will go straight to the legislature to get lion numbers reduced


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 27, 2015
Jeb is a fricken idiot to say numbers are up to the ranchers who live in mountain lion country. Sure deer numbers could be up from the rock bottom numbers we just had, but to tell a group of ranchers that the numbers are up is unbelievably short sighted. Overall the deer numbers in ND are down drastically from where they once where. this whole mountain lion scenario is all about shutting down the houndsmen.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Yes, I do have that opportunity... but with the same line of thinking, don't you still have the chance to hunt and harvest a mule deer with mountain lions living in the state? I know a lot of guys that have shot great bucks in the last 10 yrs in the badlands (in the heart of the cat country). And... don't you also have the opportunity to hunt mule deer in other Western States also?

I also think mule deer numbers would rebound faster with no coyotes... no oil production... no vehicles, but nature and humans do need to coexist. Winters have, and always will drive wildlife populations in North Dakota. We can lessen that impact with habitat preservation, etc.

Just my opinion...[/QUOTE

I respect your opinion, but the facts are that lions in ND give the sportsmen of ND very little tangible return while taking from ND hunting opportunities, funding, and the benefits of those funds. If you believe the cost of having lions in ND are acceptable, then I will just have to disagree.

Coyote Hunter

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
North Dakota
Jeb is a fricken idiot to say numbers are up to the ranchers who live in mountain lion country. Sure deer numbers could be up from the rock bottom numbers we just had, but to tell a group of ranchers that the numbers are up is unbelievably short sighted. Overall the deer numbers in ND are down drastically from where they once where. this whole mountain lion scenario is all about shutting down the houndsmen.


He isn't saying the numbers are up from record highs... He is saying they are up from last year. They have increased, I believe, 15-20% per year since 2011 (after the bad winters).

The point he was making, which I don't think I can even buy, is that the deer numbers are up pretty evenly throughout the badlands. They aren't seeing any less increase in mule deer in the "mountain lion core area".

Also, it isn't about shutting down the houndsmen. I think they are going to reduce the tags for both the early season and the houndsmen season. That's how it should go anyway.

I hope the NDGF takes up the offer from some of the houndsmen to help capture and collar more cats. So, the NDGF can get a better understanding of the cat population.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Also, it isn't about shutting down the houndsmen. I think they are going to reduce the tags for both the early season and the houndsmen season. That's how it should go anyway.

I vehemently disagree, and no, I don't have any hounds, nor do I know any of the houndsmen. This is 100% about shutting down a segment of hunters that ND G&F KNOWS is going to be successful in filling their quota annually. Latent function of "requiring a sustainable population and more data/further study" is job security via new gravy train for Tucker.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 6, 2015
The game and fish wanting a sustainable lion population in ND is the same as the feds wanting to introduce wolves in the lower 48. The ultimate goal nowadays coming from Washington (the federal boys) is try to establish ecological systems that are self sustainable that mimic presettlement days. Which limit the need for people (hunters) to manage game populations. Lions in the badlands reduce deer numbers thus taking tags away from hunters. They are just trying to disguise their true agenda by saying they want to maintain or increase a hunters opportunity to hunt lions. We don't need to be losing deer to lions. Our deer numbers are already low and we have to wait several years to get drawn for a deer tag. I am pretty sure everyone would prefer to get mule deer buck tag in the badlands every 3 years versus getting one every 6 years and having the opportunity of shooting a lion. Also think about the economics of the situation for the small communities in the badlands area. I am sure they make more money on deer hunters than the odd lion hunter. The G&F can spin it any way the want and it will never make biological, ecological, economical or common sense. Hell while there at it don't stop with lions lets bring back the grizzly bear.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 30, 2015
In front.
rumor has it, the VAST majority of outdoorspeople and fargo ranchers support a sustainable lion population in western nd

somebody should start a poll. Jk. Gnf doesn't give a F F about what we the people think and value.

nothing to see here people. move along already....
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Coyote Hunter

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
North Dakota
I vehemently disagree, and no, I don't have any hounds, nor do I know any of the houndsmen. This is 100% about shutting down a segment of hunters that ND G&F KNOWS is going to be successful in filling their quota annually. Latent function of "requiring a sustainable population and more data/further study" is job security via new gravy train for Tucker.

You are wrong. They are not shutting down hound hunting.. unless they close the entire lion season down. I do see them cutting tags for both groups. If I am wrong on the hounds... I will have to eat my words, but it ain't happening.

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The game and fish wanting a sustainable lion population in ND is the same as the feds wanting to introduce wolves in the lower 48. The ultimate goal nowadays coming from Washington (the federal boys) is try to establish ecological systems that are self sustainable that mimic presettlement days. Which limit the need for people (hunters) to manage game populations. Lions in the badlands reduce deer numbers thus taking tags away from hunters. They are just trying to disguise their true agenda by saying they want to maintain or increase a hunters opportunity to hunt lions. We don't need to be losing deer to lions. Our deer numbers are already low and we have to wait several years to get drawn for a deer tag. I am pretty sure everyone would prefer to get mule deer buck tag in the badlands every 3 years versus getting one every 6 years and having the opportunity of shooting a lion. Also think about the economics of the situation for the small communities in the badlands area. I am sure they make more money on deer hunters than the odd lion hunter. The G&F can spin it any way the want and it will never make biological, ecological, economical or common sense. Hell while there at it don't stop with lions lets bring back the grizzly bear.

You are way off... mountain lions aren't even in the same league as a predator that hunts in packs and kills for fun. Not even close...

Also, do you really compare the NDGF with the feds??? Come on... You really think the NDGF wants lower deer tags... It is about balancing NATIVE ND wildlife and not hunting a ND species to extinction in the state. No modern wildlife agency would do that. The deer tags fund the department.

Also, I am sure everyone would LOVE to draw a muley tag every year... let alone every 3 yrs, but that wasn't happening in the early 2000's before the cats exploded. IT WAS THE BAD WINTERS AROUND 2010 that wiped out the deer. Kill every lion in a ND, MT, and SD and you still will be waiting 6-8 yrs to draw your buck tag...

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I vehemently disagree, and no, I don't have any hounds, nor do I know any of the houndsmen. This is 100% about shutting down a segment of hunters that ND G&F KNOWS is going to be successful in filling their quota annually. Latent function of "requiring a sustainable population and more data/further study" is job security via new gravy train for Tucker.

We're you at any of the meetings???

badland mule

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Coyote Hunter which meeting did you attend? Ms. Tucker said that hunting is what controls the population of lions. More specifically hound hunting which is very efficient has the most control over it. It usually takes 2 or 3 days after the first snowfall to fill the hound quota. When they do reduce the quota for hound hunters (which is going to be the first place they will) The season will be over the same day of the snowfall. They probably will reduce the quota for the early season also but with the lack of deer hunters the early quota hasn't been filled since 2011.
Most people were happy with the ecosystem in western ND before the lions came. Now almost nobody is. In the area that I hunt the whitetail have rebounded to almost pre 2011 numbers. The mule deer numbers have not rebounded.
If you want to shoot a lion you better buddy up with somebody that has dogs because the chances of you just bumping into a lion are very slim.
I don't want mule deer to become one of our novelty species just because a few people hope to bump into a lion someday.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
You are wrong. They are not shutting down hound hunting.. unless they close the entire lion season down. I do see them cutting tags for both groups. If I am wrong on the hounds... I will have to eat my words, but it ain't happening.

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You are way off... mountain lions aren't even in the same league as a predator that hunts in packs and kills for fun. Not even close...

Also, do you really compare the NDGF with the feds??? Come on... You really think the NDGF wants lower deer tags... It is about balancing NATIVE ND wildlife and not hunting a ND species to extinction in the state. No modern wildlife agency would do that. The deer tags fund the department.

Also, I am sure everyone would LOVE to draw a muley tag every year... let alone every 3 yrs, but that wasn't happening in the early 2000's before the cats exploded. IT WAS THE BAD WINTERS AROUND 2010 that wiped out the deer. Kill every lion in a ND, MT, and SD and you still will be waiting 6-8 yrs to draw your buck tag...

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We're you at any of the meetings???

concerning SD the cats are killing elk calves at a better than 95% clip the last few years. They have been gps collaring the calves to know exactly what is going on. Getting a mule deer tag is an every or at worst every other year deal here. Our gfp are dropping the ball by not letting hounds run the whole black hills.

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