Pittbull breed, what do you think?


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Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
It's unclear in your post, KurtR...but was that the dog's owner that shoved a finger in the sphincter of the dog?

Just curious, but I'm wondering if they've played this game before....

I've given a GSP the big toe before, but that was a legit accident. ;:;popcorn


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
Twenty years ago it was extremely rare to even see a pit bull. Now everyone seems to have them. They gotta be one of the most popular dogs around. I agree they are a menace


Founding Member
Founding Member
Aug 21, 2015
Pits and Rotts should both be exterminated. They've both been bred to be aggressive and powerful. There is just no stopping them once they go on attack. Their owners all say the same thing, oh he's a big baby he'd never hurt anyone, except once something sets them off they become killers.

I had a friend that had a few pittbulls and they were all very friendly and playful but deep down I still didn't trust them. The one male had a rope chew toy that he loved for you to pull on. When he chomped down on that rope you could pick him up off the ground and he wouldn't let go.

Even border collies and cattle dogs have a herding instinct that really needs to be watched around kids. They want to herd things, so if that kid runs or doesn't move in the direction the dog wants he might nip them which is what they do when herding catttle.


Established Member
Aug 25, 2022
Bismarck, Nd
Whenever I read of fatal pit bull attacks, another poor postal delivery lady killed by five of em just yesterday, I Ave sort of flashbacks to the evening I spent 10-15 minutes that seemed like hours, trying to fight off those two attacking pits. Seriously for a while I sincerely wondered if I might lose the fight and both my l spaniel and I would end up a statistic in the paper. For a while I doubted that I’d win that fight. You haven’t lived until you have found yourself fighting for you life bare handed against two very powerful attacking wild and crazy animals out to kill you. Especially pushing 80 yes! That’s why I’m rarely without arms whenever there is the slightest chance of running into one of,those danged things.
I disagree with Kurt about dog parks being totally undisciplined and uncontrolled. We visit maybe 50 during our travels every year and being selective about what other dogs are present we have never had problems with even Dottie’s, Malinowski, shepherds, etc. just pits. The only species I’ve seen bad trouble wih have been pitbulls. Not even American Bulldogs that sometimes get aggressive. BTW, some of those off leash dog parks are really elaborate - even ran into one in Utah with a shallow pool and water slide. And most are watched pretty carefully by other owners who sort of police the places if they do see some dog getting a bit nippy or aggressive. AND pitbull owners seem to be the only ones who tell the rest of us to go you know where “ I’m an American and we can do any damned thing I feel like I have a right to do!” Yuk! Whomever said that pit owners tend to be arrogant assholes or druggies wascorrect. NOT ALL OF THEM, of course.


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Thread starter
May 6, 2015
Im wondering about the the anal probe to stop aggression tactic.... If someone could try that next time they are fighting with their significant other and report back I would appreciate it. Im currently between ladies so dont have the opportunity to experiment with this myself.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2019
If a guy I was hunting with did that to his dog I would understand why the dog would never misbehave again.
I also would never be inviting that creepy son of a bitch to hunt with me again.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Whenever I read of fatal pit bull attacks, another poor postal delivery lady killed by five of em just yesterday, I Ave sort of flashbacks to the evening I spent 10-15 minutes that seemed like hours, trying to fight off those two attacking pits. Seriously for a while I sincerely wondered if I might lose the fight and both my l spaniel and I would end up a statistic in the paper. For a while I doubted that I’d win that fight. You haven’t lived until you have found yourself fighting for you life bare handed against two very powerful attacking wild and crazy animals out to kill you. Especially pushing 80 yes! That’s why I’m rarely without arms whenever there is the slightest chance of running into one of,those danged things.
I disagree with Kurt about dog parks being totally undisciplined and uncontrolled. We visit maybe 50 during our travels every year and being selective about what other dogs are present we have never had problems with even Dottie’s, Malinowski, shepherds, etc. just pits. The only species I’ve seen bad trouble wih have been pitbulls. Not even American Bulldogs that sometimes get aggressive. BTW, some of those off leash dog parks are really elaborate - even ran into one in Utah with a shallow pool and water slide. And most are watched pretty carefully by other owners who sort of police the places if they do see some dog getting a bit nippy or aggressive. AND pitbull owners seem to be the only ones who tell the rest of us to go you know where “ I’m an American and we can do any damned thing I feel like I have a right to do!” Yuk! Whomever said that pit owners tend to be arrogant assholes or druggies wascorrect. NOT ALL OF THEM, of course.

There is not one good thing that can come from letting your dog run around with a bunch of strange dogs.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Guiding pheasant hunters guy had a dick head shorthair that was fighting everyone. He went to fighting one of the labs and the guy i worked for ran right over there gave him an index finger to the asshole and that dog stopped dead in its track and never got in another fight the next 5 years he came. I would not have believed it if i didnt see it. The dog turned around looked at him with a look of defeat.

Kurtr, you made my day. I read your post to the wife and we both cracked up. Great defense mechanism though.

Only a shorthair would do that.

When my daughter was young we rode our bikes with my shorthair at that time. All off sudden a german shepard comes running agreesve as hell. My short hair pulled foward kike she was going to run. I let go of the lead so that she would pull me over. She was not that big but she turned aroumd and went full bore into that shepard my daughter is crying but were riding the hell out of there
Next thing my shorthair is up next to us prancing. I look back and the shepard was laying in middle of street. We rode out and never went down that st again


Established Member
Aug 25, 2022
Bismarck, Nd
I’ll disagree with Kurt and Zogman on dog parks. Getting your dog socialized by regularly being with and getting use to other dogs is one of the best things you can do to prevent behavior problems when socializing with not only other dogs, but many other humans, kids, people of all ages, etc. I wouldn’t take a young unvaccinated dog there because of a possibility of contacting some disease. Dog parks also are good places for perspective owners who learn a lot of good stuff about various species of dogs. Always some bullshit pseudo knowlege you might hear being parroted on like on social media but usually there’s some pretty knowlegable owners that straighten nonsense out.
Other than a rare usually minor altercation between a couple of dogs ( like kids in a playground who also learn “ socialization” with other kids) the only real battle I’ve ever seen in the many mutt parks I’ve seen have been PITBULL related. Other than a small possibility of disease in unvaccinated animals owned by irresponsible owners there’s very little, practically NO downside!


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2019
None of my dogs ever would have gone bird hunting if it was such a terrible thing to let them run around with strange dogs. On some of our sharptail hunts, there are 6 or 7 dogs. Often they aren’t familiar with each other at all, and at some stage of the game each new dog is a stranger to all of them and he/she is hanging around an entire pack of strange dogs.

The BEST part of the hunt is enjoying those strange dogs running around with each other. I’ve heard a little growling at the food bowl or water bucket, but I haven’t seen a dog fight yet and absolutely no need for anyone to finger their dog.

I agree with Bob. Introducing your dog to as many other dogs as possible so they learn to socialize is extremely important. It is not a foolproof way to avoid every single confrontation during the life of that dog...I do understand that there are different personalities among dogs, just like people. The nicest, most calm person on the planet can have a bad day. I wouldn't expect dogs to be any different.

Unfortunately, people who probably know dang well their dog doesn’t know how to socialize or plain old doesn’t get along with other dogs sometimes think the place to test it out is the dog park. That’s when things can go wrong...and that is where KurtR is right because you never know when one of those folks is walking their agitated pitbull (or other breed, fine) into the dog park.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
None of my dogs ever would have gone bird hunting if it was such a terrible thing to let them run around with strange dogs. On some of our sharptail hunts, there are 6 or 7 dogs. Often they aren’t familiar with each other at all, and at some stage of the game each new dog is a stranger to all of them and he/she is hanging around an entire pack of strange dogs.

The BEST part of the hunt is enjoying those strange dogs running around with each other. I’ve heard a little growling at the food bowl or water bucket, but I haven’t seen a dog fight yet and absolutely no need for anyone to finger their dog.

I agree with Bob. Introducing your dog to as many other dogs as possible so they learn to socialize is extremely important. It is not a foolproof way to avoid every single confrontation during the life of that dog...I do understand that there are different personalities among dogs, just like people. The nicest, most calm person on the planet can have a bad day. I wouldn't expect dogs to be any different.

Unfortunately, people who probably know dang well their dog doesn’t know how to socialize or plain old doesn’t get along with other dogs sometimes think the place to test it out is the dog park. That’s when things can go wrong...and that is where KurtR is right because you never know when one of those folks is walking their agitated pitbull (or other breed, fine) into the dog park.

Your out hunting those dogs have purpose and direction. It’s not just some free for all park running around learning all kinds of bad habits. There are 5 million better places to socialize a dog than a dog park. I have met some of the best trainers and breeders in the country and everyone of them advises to avoid them like the bubonic plague


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
I drive by a dog park often. I wonder wtf often too.

Zero desire to ever take a dog to one. Looks like a Walmart crowd to me.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, Royce is a possessive douchebag so I know he’d find trouble eventually. That canine idiot lit into a St Benard who entered our yard yesterday.

He simply thinks he owns the place and interlopers are a serious threat.

He got ambushed by neighbors shit lab when he was young. I wonder if he maybe swore it’d never happen again I think. He carries a grudge?


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2019
Your out hunting those dogs have purpose and direction. It’s not just some free for all park running around learning all kinds of bad habits. There are 5 million better places to socialize a dog than a dog park. I have met some of the best trainers and breeders in the country and everyone of them advises to avoid them like the bubonic plague

I’m not defending dog parks.
I’m promoting socializing your dog with other dogs.

You had made the statement something like “Nothing good can come from letting your dog run around with strange dogs”.

I disagree with that statement only. I think it’s very beneficial. You maybe meant that only in regards to dog parks, so if I took that out of context I apologize. I may have taken that statement and went out in the rhubarb a bit.

The socializing needs to be in a controlled environment, which a dog park usually is not.

That being said, I think a lot of people fail to let there dogs hang out with other dogs and it creates problems down the road. I know a few owners who have made that mistake.

Here I go out in the weeds again about something not related to pit bulls, but I do want to say one more thing. Some people judge everything about their hunting dog or other hunting dogs by how good of a hunter he/she is or by the behavior of that dog out in the field. If the dog is not a top notch performer it is a shitty dog or the owner did a shitty job.

Not every dog owner is a master trainer or can afford one, or can afford a dog from a top notch breeder. Nor is everyone great at picking a dog or a breeder. Nor is everyone out to actually have a top notch hunting dog or has adequate time to put in that training even if they have one. Nor does every bit of good advice on a dog have to come from a top notch trainer or breeder.

A hunting dog is a hunting dog maybe 3 or 4 months a year…maybe is in the field 20 to 50 days a year. Maybe more like 5 or 10 for a lot of folks. Yet they are a family dog and family member 12 months/365 days a year.

I know some great folks who are shitty hunters and I haven’t written them off yet. I don’t care how one person chooses to judge their own dog I guess but it does kind of irk me when someone judges all other dogs and dog owners off of what they eventually have accomplished when they have a really good dog, have gotten the training thing down finally, or have the funds to let someone else figure it all out for them.

I have had great hunting dogs and have hunted with some that are great and some not so much, but when I invite someone to go hunting and someone is reluctant to bring their dog for fear I will be unimpressed or even upset, I say “Bring your dog! It’s just a hunt, not a contest. Cold beer afterwards no matter what.”

That is all.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
I’m not defending dog parks.
I’m promoting socializing your dog with other dogs.

You had made the statement something like “Nothing good can come from letting your dog run around with strange dogs”.

I disagree with that statement only. I think it’s very beneficial. You maybe meant that only in regards to dog parks, so if I took that out of context I apologize. I may have taken that statement and went out in the rhubarb a bit.

The socializing needs to be in a controlled environment, which a dog park usually is not.

That being said, I think a lot of people fail to let there dogs hang out with other dogs and it creates problems down the road. I know a few owners who have made that mistake.

Here I go out in the weeds again, but I do want to say one more thing though. Some people judge everything about their hunting dog or other hunting dogs by how good of a hunter he/she is or by the behavior of that dog out in the field. If the dog is not a top notch performer it is a shitty dog or the owner did a shitty job.

Not every dog owner is a master trainer or can afford one, or can afford a dog from a top notch breeder. Nor is everyone great at picking a dog or a breeder. Nor is everyone out to actually have a top notch hunting dog or has adequate time to put that training even if they have one.

A hunting dog is a hunting dog maybe 3 or 4 months a year…maybe is in the field 20 to 50 days a year. Maybe more like 5 or 10 for a lot of folks. Yet they are a family dog and family member 12 months/365 days a year.

I know some great folks who are shitty hunters and I haven’t written them off yet. I don’t care how one person chooses to judge their own dog I guess but it does kind of irk me when someone judges all other dogs and dog owners off of what they eventually have accomplished when they have a really good dog, have gotten the training thing down finally, or have the funds to let someone else figure it all out for them. When I go hunting and someone is reluctant to bring their dog for fear I will be unimpressed or even upset, “I say bring your dog!” It’s just a hunt, not a contest. Cold beer afterwards no matter what.

That is all.

I said strange un controlled dogs. A good dog regardless of breed is one that is well mannered and a joy to be around if they hunt good that is a big bonus. If you don’t have the time to do proper obedience you don’t have time to own a dog in general. A good well behaved dog isn’t locked away in a kennel and that’s what happens when the cuteness of the puppy wears off and people are to lazy to just have them be able to do simple things like sitting and laying down and recall.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2019
I still don’t see the word “uncontrolled” in your reply to Bob, but if it were there I would have agreed wholeheartedly.

I also agree wholeheartedly with what you just typed in previous post.

Ugly Dogs

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 29, 2015
There is so much wrong with this....But as has been said shitty people create shitty dogs.

Used to be active on NOdak, quit for a few years but logged back in to p email a friend with advice about his current problem, then saw Lucan’s thread about PITBULLS!
since retiring and travelling a lot and visiting many many off leash dog parks with our English Cocker, probably the most non violent or non aggressive dog ever whelped, UNLESS YOU ATE A PHEASANT OR RELATED SPECIES!
I was walking home after night fishin a few years ago in Arizona with my little mutt at leash, when out of nowhere two PITBULLS ran out of the dark and attacked, one grabbing my dog by the neck and the other latching on to her thigh. I grabbed my dog and held her with my left arm as high as I could, lifting both pits into the air but they still held on, doing their best to bite and chew. With my right hand all I could do was form a sort of fist an repeatedly clobber first one then the other dog with no avail. The bigger one figured out when my fist was arriving and learned quickly to open its jaws to do its best to take a hunk out of my hand. I wished I had anything for defense - I had been using a screwdriver on my boat a few minutes before and wished I’d had it still with me. I’d have killed both those dogs in an instant! Even if there had been just one I could have dropped my dog and leaped on one and either strangled it or bashed its head into the concrete. My dog was screaming, (Me too but I won’t repeat what I said) anda bunch of people appeared to help, a couple armed.
The dogs owner, (turned out to be a lady lawyer) just stood there yelling at me “Don’t hurt my dogs,,”. Both dogs had long leashes she had dropped and all she had to do was pull them off but she just yelled threats and curses at me, and my wife who heard our dog screamin a block away from inside the house andf down to help.
To make a long story short I finally got the one dog off by crushing its foot repeatedlygainst the sidewalk, then ran like hell with my dog back to our rental place. The second dog ultimately fell off.
We called the city animal control people and security and police arrived. Big meeting with all our community members the next day, with over half armed and wanted to shoot those pits! Bottom line after days of threats from them “If you start anything from this I’ll finish it!). She was active politically so didn’t even have her dogs kicked out of the place! Wasn’t even warned!
what was even WORSE (I and my dog got patched and stitched up) it turned out she was an avid antivaxer and we think she hadn’t had her dogs rabies vaccinated even though it was a state law, etc. I told her all I wanted was proof of vaccination but though even the animal control people demanded it too, she never did and refused - she seemed to indicate she was above the law and didn’t have to! So I had to have my three rabies vaccinations at 100 Bucks apiece and she even refused to pay that!!! Or any medical or get stuff! To this day, she still has the sane pits and unfortunately their place is by the marina so any of us taking our dogs fishing generally are armed with various things. I even carry my .380 sometimes in case history wants to repeat itself. Screw drivers, switch blades, stun guns - hat ever is handy…..

Last year I saw another PITBULLS attackin the dog park and a guy pulled a .380 and was really close to snuffing that damned dog. He showed it to me, a nice Kel Tec. A bit fancier than my lil Ruger but either will do the job.

in Al our many many trips to dog parks we’ve witnessed so many pit attacks, one fatal on a black lab, that we avoid any parks where we see one of,them.
lycan said it best -they are good nice dogs until they aren’t! I’m sure pheasants would say that about my bird dog too. But both species are simply doing what they have been bred to do for hundreds of years. My spaniel with birds, pits with other dogs, their only purpose was to kill the other dog in the ring. Sooner or later under the right circumstances both species are going to do what they are genetically programmed to to! Chase a bird or kill another dog.
I love all dogs, other than pits. How can you tell? The only good thing to come of this is that if a reader and I ever get into,a,fight and I,bite you, you won’t get rabies! LOL


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
I have a part Siamese cat that will whip the shit out of any dog that comes into the yard!!!

Had a plumber come over to the house when we were gone once and he called me stating, "I'm not getting in your house with that cat of yours".
How is it at retrieving downed pheasants?

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