Property Tax Credit


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
He doesn’t win state wide elections because the GOP doesn’t put there support behind him. Why would they when they probably own the other ones?
There’s been plenty of recent republicans who have won with out their party’s initial endorsement. Burgum and Fedorchak quickly come to mind. He’s a loose cannon.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Oct 17, 2015
I was on the fence but the way it's written this is in no way getting rid of property tax, its simply shifting taxes elsewhere. And nobody can articulate how this new pot of gold will be divided or distributed. Best they can come up with is "the legislature will have to figure it out". FUCK THAT and fuck that attitude that you should always vote for a tax decrease. Especially when the alternative makes less sense. I guess this is how North Dakota politics goes these days. Don't address the problem and amend the current law to mitigate the issue. No, lets put 85 year old retired farmers and part-time dish washers in a room and let them create an entirely new policy. How about no tax on primary dwelling ONLY. Increases on other property is dictated by square footage at actual assessed value (based on real sales) not to increase by more than 5% at a time and at an interval of every 3 years. If the city or county wants to fund a project and need a a greater increase, it must be voted on, preferably via sales tax. Legacy fund and fed dollars for emergency projects.

Remember the outrage over specials a few years ago? Get ready to see more the that BS. You can lose your home over them too. This also reeks of out of state corporate ag and oil looking to delete their share of the bill.
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