★★★★★ Legendary Member
No farmers have ever done me wrong. Most unfortunately understand what I’m getting at. Which is good enough
Maybe the most who understand can let me in on the secret.No farmers have ever done me wrong. Most unfortunately understand what I’m getting at. Which is good enough
You English like an illegal alien. Someone check his papers.10-4 100% Bought my land for cheap 35 years ago cash many acres before house. Planted tree rows bunch land scape etc. Then I built my house 5 years after for $385k I did a lot of the work, my good friend was my contractor and free banker he carried note. Built my own shop 10 years later for 1/4 of contractor then $75K cash concrete everthing done in and out side worth $250K then. Now my total tax value over 1 million they are nuts went to many meetings talked about it like talking to wall, sure if want to sell and move else where or live in shit hole you are happy if you want to upgrade to newer or new forget it.
Fair point! Until neither of us pays tax on our homes I’ll see it as uneven.I voted to eliminate property tax. That would have leveled the field. Why does even mean raising someone else’s tax burden instead of lowering the other.
Another fun question about this property value debacle of diarrhea. Why don't people get taxed on their stock shares when their value goes up? The excuse is because they haven't sold it yet and those stocks could go down in value. Can't a property also go up or down in value over time? How is property somehow different then stocks? Things that make you go HMMMM. Just some fun thoughts from a grey beard. Carry On!
that isn't fun to me
Carry on!
Gas tax raised. Narrowly voted down an additional “sin” tax…… cant get a meaningful property tax relief rolled out and passed…… all you degens that voted the tax measure down see a pattern developing yet? Our state is drunk on money and tax. They could give two shits about you or me or any middle class family. As long as their coffers are full to pass around to their greasy little buddies they don’t give a fuck about you. It won’t stop unless we force it to stop…. But go on and continue thinking they’ll “do the right thing”Maybe we should keep voting down the “No property tax” bill. For some reason us Nort Dakotans love our taxes![]()
People keep voting them in..what did our congresswomen do right after she was elected?..didnt she postpone the vote for the co2 pipeline until AFTER she was elected and then she voted for it??Why is it it always seems the politicians in this state give the residents of ND the middle finger on everything and everybody for the sake of money. First it was Summit Carbon solutions that most everyone opposed and now we get every other states carbon. Then it was the boat ramp in Bismarck that so many opposed but we have to have a concert venue and swim beach right where the current is strongest and all the noise from the interstate. Then the shit show of property tax relief and now they just keep raising every tax they can. Wouldn't surprise me if someone wants to put chicken coops down along the river. At least we would have eggs. I think it is time the whole works is replaced with new blood.
BingoNo facts to support this but my opinion why the property tax bill got shot down is because there wasn't any plans on how to recoup some of the $$ for future needs. That would have been a substantial amount of money that would need to come from some where else.
Sure they could dip into the slush pool that they have but how long would that last ? I suppose they could reinstate the tax if absolutely needed (at a reasonable rate )
Personally I think if they would have cut "everyone's" taxes in half, and used that for a starting point, most people would have been more than happy.
Just my opinion. . .
Controlled Spending should be #1