This is interesting
100%If the bill would have been for primary residence only it would have more than easily passed.
Start a poll on here . I'd bet 85% in favor of primary residents only.You’re drunk if you think it would pass with primary residence only…..keep it local reigns supreme in ND
Start a poll on here . I'd bet 85% in favor of primary residents only.
OK I'll say it again. It would have passed if it was for primary residence only. Before the vote, I sat with a group of 40 year olds who were talking about how stupid it was to include corporations and businesses they were voting against it. These guys aren't homeless bums .I think there was a poll on here that was for legalizing pot after they butchered the medical bill the people voted for and I think last time that went down by like 65%. I remember polls back in 2016 that said Hillary was a shoe in for the presidency. We know how that turned out. You can say the property tax bill went down because it was poorly written all you want, I believe we hear the same scare tactics every time a bill comes along the people are for and those in charge aren’t work every time
I doI don't know anyone who wouldn't have voted it down if it had been primary residence only .
Agree its to bad people dont know who they are voting for. You look at burleigh county commision..those guys are now trying to ax the auditor position from being voted on by the PEOPLE to being appointed by the commision...becuase they know better then the people and want to make sure a qualified person is in place. I read someplace there is a petition to recall bitner...hope he is the one axed and they should recall anyone suporting it!People are scared of a poorly written measure that didn't address the issue with where is the money coming from, if property taxes are abolished.
North Dakota isn't like the politicians of Washington that voted on the obozo care act, piggy Pelosi said you needed to vote on it then read it.
The medical marijuana act of 2016 was so well written it didn't need to be gutted by beurocrats from Bismarck but of course we know how that went.
Again tax relief on property taxes still starts at the local level, if people want change it starts at the first rung of the ladder.
Agree its to bad people dont know who they are voting for. You look at burleigh county commision..those guys are now trying to ax the auditor position from being voted on by the PEOPLE to being appointed by the commision...becuase they know better then the people and want to make sure a qualified person is in place. I read someplace there is a petition to recall bitner...hope he is the one axed and they should recall anyone suporting it
Exactly why he should be removed. You would think after seeing his election results and BARELY being re-elected by uninformed voters he would have done some self reflection and maybe changed....guess not.Bitner's comments prove what the petition claims. calling the voters not normal and stating he doesn't have to prove anything
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - Amid the controversy of Burleigh County Auditor and Treasurer Mark Splonskowski, Commission Chair Brian Bitner is now named in a petition to be removed from the Burleigh County Commission.
The petition, which we acquired from the Secretary of State’s office, says that Bitner demonstrates “abuses of power” and displays “contempt for the voters of Burleigh County.”
Bitner is in disbelief over these allegations and cannot understand how a normal person could reach this conclusion.
“I’m the least concerned with power of anyone I know. I’ve been a leader my whole life. I don’t have to prove anything with abusing power. That’s ridiculous,” said Bitner.
Polls don't mean shitStart a poll on here . I'd bet 85% in favor of primary residents only.