Since this "spring" has been complete dogshit, I've only been out there a few times. The northern shelterbelt is about 14 years old and looks good. The west shelterbelt is only a few years old and was not taken care of as well. There is weed barrier fabric, but a lot of them still got choked out. Between the rows never got mowed last year, so the weeds are taller than most of the trees. I counted 170 missing trees. So I got a bunch of seedlings, and I'm going to replace them by hand, hopefully this weekend. I've got a lot more ideas for the place, but I need an excavator and a payloader. I may spend all of this years rent money just dicking off
When I was on my walkabout, I was excited to see my very own pheasants and ducks. Only a couple, but it's a start.