South Dakota tribe to open....


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Well I can sure tell you if dad ever caught me with weed or booze while under his parental control shit would have hit the fan. My kids are supervised, as my older ones grew up there was a couple times where some beer got drank, but I sure didn't buy it for them, or make it acceptable. mrs johnr is even more a hawk about it than I am, nothing cute when a kid makes the wrong choices.
2 of my 4 kids are adults now, and they make the right choices as far as I know. Being a parent, teaching right from wrong, and sometimes being the bad guy are all part of mentoring a child into the right choices.

nothing good comes from drug use, if any of you smoke some weed, that is fine, none of my business, but it is not the same as having a cold beer on a hot day. It is the same as having a case of beer. You don't smoke a few hits, or even one hit of weed because it was a hot day and a hit of weed will cool you done...haha weed.

All those kids are on dope...haha dope


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
I said legalize it all (as in all drugs). we'll get rid of a shit pile of degenerates.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Well I can sure tell you if dad ever caught me with weed or booze while under his parental control shit would have hit the fan. My kids are supervised, as my older ones grew up there was a couple times where some beer got drank, but I sure didn't buy it for them, or make it acceptable. mrs johnr is even more a hawk about it than I am, nothing cute when a kid makes the wrong choices.
2 of my 4 kids are adults now, and they make the right choices as far as I know. Being a parent, teaching right from wrong, and sometimes being the bad guy are all part of mentoring a child into the right choices.

nothing good comes from drug use, if any of you smoke some weed, that is fine, none of my business, but it is not the same as having a cold beer on a hot day. It is the same as having a case of beer. You don't smoke a few hits, or even one hit of weed because it was a hot day and a hit of weed will cool you done...haha weed."

How many beers did you have when you had this epiphany


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Big difference is meth and cocaine are both addictive and KILL people, dead as doornails. I havent heard of anyone promoting legalization of any of the 'hard' drugs, but moving from a punishment to treatment philosophy would help a lot of people suffering from addiction.

Sound familiar?

Our panel arrived at this solution: If the Government were to restrain the supply of cocaine - not through arrests and seizures, which have proved unsuccessful, but through legalization and price setting, using import regulations and taxation - we believe that positive results would be realized. The drug lords' violence would end, and we could finally determine exactly how large this country's cocaine use is. The millions of dollars being spent on fruitless enforcement could be used instead to address abuse and addiction problems.
You contend that legalization would guarantee an increase in use, but we disagree. We all grew up in an age where illegal drugs were easier to buy than beer. Why? Because liquor is controlled by the state and must be purchased in stores by adults, but drugs are purchased on the street by anyone. If an individual has the desire to use cocaine, he has ample opportunity today. We believe the situation could get better only by unromanticizing its illegality.
The only way America can begin to solve its cocaine problem is by controlling supply. Trying to control demand infringes upon too many freedoms. Governmental regulation and taxation of a legal cocaine supply would allow the Government to set prices. A higher cocaine price would reduce demand, and we see that as the primary goal. F. STEWART ARNOLD Locust Valley, L.I., Aug. 3, 1988

- - - Updated - - -

Americans today do not have the ability any longer to say "that is wrong,I won't accept that" .

Hardly a day goes by any more I don;t read something that makes me shake my head and ask WTF is wrong with this country.

The degree of the slope gets steeper every year.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Davy, I can guarantee you I was raised in a family environment where caring loving parents showed us by example the values they wanted instilled in their kids as honestly and effectively as parents as any one out there. Honesty and truth was first and foremost growing up. That is how I hope I am raising my kids.

And I still went out and raised more hell than most. So ya family values help, but a little fear of CONSEQUENCES for the law beyond the tough love parents give doesn;t hurt.

So explain to me how if I accept legalizing something that was not legal that people now claim is no big deal, how I do not look like a hypocrite to a 17 year old kid that wants x or some other drug THEY don't think is that bad legalized.

I mean if the argument is okay pot is no worse than booze ect....... than why should ANY other similar drug not be allowed as well?

People are picking and choosing what information they want to believe in regards to pot usage. There are proven long term impacts just like any other drug including alcohol, it is not all just munchies and odd humor.

In 50 years of living I have seen far to many times once the govt starts down the path of allowing something, or on the flip side disallowing something, it never stops where people thought it would because someone is ALWAYS making the argument "well if that is what about this". Throw in the "my rights" argument and the PC world we live in suddenly has NO boundries of what is or is not allowed or right or wrong .

So how long before the "we are not winning the war on meth" is used to justify legalizing it? Taxes on meth may fill the coffers as well.
There are "recreational" cocaine users out there, think of how high a tax we could put on that and the revenues it would generate.

The slippery slope argument has proven itself to be a valid one over the years.

You make good points GST but sometimes you overthink the issue we are talking about . I don't have the answers to your questions, I'm only trying to put some common sense and thought into what the state should do if a reservation announce tomorrow that they are setting up shop. Like I said earlier, I have a feeling we are about to get this crammed down our throats whether we want it or not. Our courts and votes don't count because of the source.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Davy, not "over thinking" things here, keeping it pretty simple in fact.

There are a small handful of people that have been smoking weed for 50 years now that have been offered up as examples to show my kids what dependance on a drug looks like. (a few with booze as well) so I do feel confident until they are influenced by other sources they are making the right decisions so far.

My thought process is simply just because the govt or some other entity (rez) shoves something down our throats we do not need to accept it. In fact I wish to set an example for my kids of standing up for what one believes is right even if it is NOT easy or popular.

So what if the reservation legalizes prostitution?

What if the reservation lowers the drinking age to 18?

I can make valid arguments for each using the same points we have read here.

What will we say no to and what will we allow?

I really don;t think someone puffing a reefer now and then is evil, but try just letting one cow out the sorting gate once, sometimes it is not as easy as one thinks.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Davy, not "over thinking" things here, keeping it pretty simple in fact.

There are a small handful of people that have been smoking weed for 50 years now that have been offered up as examples to show my kids what dependance on a drug looks like. (a few with booze as well) so I do feel confident until they are influenced by other sources they are making the right decisions so far.

My thought process is simply just because the govt or some other entity (rez) shoves something down our throats we do not need to accept it. In fact I wish to set an example for my kids of standing up for what one believes is right even if it is NOT easy or popular.

So what if the reservation legalizes prostitution?

What if the reservation lowers the drinking age to 18?

I can make valid arguments for each using the same points we have read here.

What will we say no to and what will we allow?

I really don;t think someone puffing a reefer now and then is evil, but try just letting one cow out the sorting gate once, sometimes it is not as easy as one thinks.

Do you point out to the children that "small handful of people that have been smoking weed for 50 years" are persons that abused, not necessarily users. Just like alcohol, not everyone goes to far....

I don't think prostitution is a very good comparison... other than it should be legal instead of disguised as marriage:;:stirthepot


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jun 14, 2015
sounds good on the surface but it probably costs more than that a month to regulate it

It's easy to just throw a statement out there and hope people will believe you. Please post some reports to back this statement up.

The states of Colorado, Washington say they will save money. port.pdf

Granted there are new problems arising from legalized marijuana in Colorado IE; DUI's and DUI influenced accidents are up, teen smoking, pets poisoned and others but for the most part ALL costs of administrating the marijuana trade in Colorado and Washington are covered by the taxes and fees. PLUS the state of Colorado will save $145 million tax dollars through marijuana law enforcement, court cost and prisoner confinement. In the short term a small portion of that savings will be moved to DUI enforcement and heath services but they will still save money because they aren't spending millions on busting and prosecuting potheads.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
The green crap should just be legalized and taxed. It's a war that will never be won. I don't smoke, but I don't care if others do. My night job consists of working in a bar. If anything should be illegal, it should be booze. I don't drink either, but I also don't care if you do. I do laugh at the people that drink booze all the time and make questionable life decisions related to the effects from the consumption, and then sit and judge others about their way of life. The people that are against it, are most likely people that have never tried it in the first place and are simply regurgitating the diahrea the media has instilled into their brain about the adverse effects of the devils lettuce. The war will never be won. Legalization would instantly bring some cartels to its knees. Which would be a good thing. Here's a little knowledge for you to chew on, the cartels are already here in Minot. Me says, legalize the green and the shrooms. (I've tried both in the past, I can make an educated opinion) The war against the rest of the drugs will continue. The other stuff is terrible imho, and should never be legalized. But.....We need to head down a different road in relations to the other drugs out there. The answer is not to simply lock these people up and destroy their lives. The answer is drug court, treatment, and more treatment. These people need help with addiction, not locked up. Addiction is a form of a disease in the brain. It ruins lives. Some people that are victims to their addictions are every day normal functioning people. They are not criminals. They need help. The judicial system would rather spit them up, chew them out, destroy their lives on move onto the next money maker. It's all big business, and it has to change. Get them the help they need. Working in a bar, one sees and hears alotta stuff. There's more going on in the town of Minot than most would think. We have some serious problems here. We have some serious problems statewide.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Do you point out to the children that "small handful of people that have been smoking weed for 50 years" are persons that abused, not necessarily users. Just like alcohol, not everyone goes to far....

I don't think prostitution is a very good comparison... other than it should be legal instead of disguised as marriage:;:stirthepot

I know a couple of people that use coke recreationly and don;t "abuse" it, so should that be legalized by that measuring stick as well?

Really guys where do we stop? The govt can't regulate crap, taxes are miss spent and fraud runs rampant........the cartels will simply become involved in our govt (maybe more than they are now) .legalizing does not solve the worlds problems like some wish us ot believe, it only changes the problems.

Prostitution was used as a "the tribes are doing it so we should" analogy..............try to keep up here ww.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
"try to keep up here ww."

SEE....That's the stuff that makes people light dog shiite bags on your porch.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
It's easy to just throw a statement out there and hope people will believe you. Please post some reports to back this statement up.

The states of Colorado, Washington say they will save money. port.pdf

Granted there are new problems arising from legalized marijuana in Colorado IE; DUI's and DUI influenced accidents are up, teen smoking, pets poisoned and others but for the most part ALL costs of administrating the marijuana trade in Colorado and Washington are covered by the taxes and fees. PLUS the state of Colorado will save $145 million tax dollars through marijuana law enforcement, court cost and prisoner confinement. In the short term a small portion of that savings will be moved to DUI enforcement and heath services but they will still save money because they aren't spending millions on busting and prosecuting potheads.
there will continue to be additional costs associated with it's legality. just like tobacco. cost of additional healthcare (which we all will pay for), cost to enforce it's legality lol, many hidden costs involved. I will be you that in ten years when the dust all settles the costs and fees will have skyrocketed to help cover these unforeseen costs to it's legalization.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Well I can sure tell you if dad ever caught me with weed or booze while under his parental control shit would have hit the fan. My kids are supervised, as my older ones grew up there was a couple times where some beer got drank, but I sure didn't buy it for them, or make it acceptable. mrs johnr is even more a hawk about it than I am, nothing cute when a kid makes the wrong choices.
2 of my 4 kids are adults now, and they make the right choices as far as I know. Being a parent, teaching right from wrong, and sometimes being the bad guy are all part of mentoring a child into the right choices.

nothing good comes from drug use, if any of you smoke some weed, that is fine, none of my business, but it is not the same as having a cold beer on a hot day. It is the same as having a case of beer. You don't smoke a few hits, or even one hit of weed because it was a hot day and a hit of weed will cool you done...haha weed."

How many beers did you have when you had this epiphany

probably the legal amount, which is of course as many as I want. haha dope


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 27, 2015
Its not the MJ or the Booze or the other sh*t that causes the problems in society its the lack of education on it. It comes from parenting (which in my opinion is a lot of the problem) or a one sided view from one side or the other depends on what side of the fence you are on. We prepare are kids for the life that they have ahead the best we can, telling them all the things we have experienced the good and bad. We as parents try to give them the values that make them (Good citizens). I also believe that life is short and if you want to do these things then you should be able to do them. There are times that I drink more then I should because its hot out or to ease the stress of the week. Now so that you understand abusing drugs or booze is a totally a different thing.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
I like a pornographic magazine at the end of a hot day.

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