Does anyone find it interesting that persons categorize marijuana as bad because the government and media have told them so? the same government and media that say guns are bad. How many of the "bad" crowd have ever tried any?
I am on the fence as I don't really like the government telling me what to do but I do recognize that the potential abuses can be a problem. But where is the line? Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar... too much of anything is harmful, yesterday I read that Ramen noodles kill you.
Seems like the stresses of life have demanded that we have an escape... people choose what they want. Some of the escape routes have consequences to bystanders (DUI deaths), health issues. IF your escape mechanism leaves you unable to support yourself at life's end, then the government has to pick up the tab. People like to throw out comments about how actions have repercussions. What if your lifestyle doesn't allow you to have a successful end game?
As guywholikeshissausagedeliveredbyarhodesscholar had pointed out a while back, marijuana seems to make idiots. But maybe they were idiots before they had that mary jane behind the dumpster in 5 th grade. Maybe if the rash of psychos that feel the need to shoot up school had just caught a buzz and ate some Cool Ranch doritoes we wouldn't be hearing more about gun control..
No clear answers, tgif