A bigger issue is electronic posting of digital land. That will be the virtual end of hunting for sure.
That's funny, but I know of one person who has already invested a couple grand in land in fairy-tale land. I'm sure that even if you can't walk on it, can't touch it some would post it. They are like the little neighbor girl my dad woukd like to tell the story of. Her mother asked why she was crying. She said the cat is looking at me. Her mother says we don't have a cat. The little girl says ya, but if we did.
I can hear the whine already - I had to post my land because virtual hunters didn't respect virtual me and were leaving virtual garbage all over, even around my virtual yard. Some have even poached at virtual night with virtual spotlights and left deep ruts in my virtual field with their virtual 4x4s. Yup I can hear it now. :::
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