Honorable Senators of North Dakota
As part owner of the family farm and a wife of a very avid hunter I would like to thank you for the passage of SB2315.The passage of this bill is going to save us so much money in the future. Italso looks like for once we will be spending more money on trips which I like.My husband says that between this year and next year we will be going toCalifornia, North and South Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin,Missouri, Texas, New Mexico and Nevada. Along the way he said we will be makinga few stops to talk to a few people that have land in ND. I asked him what for?He told me to hunt on their land. I asked him why he doesn’t call them he saidthat he has no phone numbers just addresses, at least I will get to leave thestate. Maybe we will even find a place to move too. He said that if this billpasses that he might sell his guns and quit hunting. Amen! More money saved,this past year he spent over two thousand dollars on gas and motel rooms just forhunting. Can you believe that! I think if you passed a law requiring like a$200.00 annual docking fee for unloading the boat it would be the last strawand he would sell that also. (Now if I could only find a way to get him to getrid of the Side by Side and snowmobiles) I would have it made. Just think ofall the extra money I would have available to spend, maybe I could even buy a 2carat diamond ring! He had to buy another new pickup this year. He had over85,000 miles on a 2015 F150 going hunting and fishing. Can you believe that myhusband spent $65000.00 for the new pickup and last year he bought a new boatand paid $71,000. Look at just the tax money he could have saved, that along couldhave bought the ring! Just think, if he sells his guns, boat and pickup (hewon’t need a big pickup he could by with a Focus because it would be just himand the dog (paid over $6000.00 for the dog and training it) using it. We couldmove out of this godforsaken place and where it is warm like the otherlandowners have done. His hunting partner raises (which he helps sometimes)1000 pheasants a year. They keep 350 hens over the winter to let them go in thespring as adults, this is really good he says when there is a bad winter whichit looks like it will be this year. He said no more they are done! He does have one valid point that Ioverheard. He read that it is going to cost $1,142,000.00 the biennium and$892,000.00 the second biennium just to administer to new bill. WOW! And it isgoing to come out of the Game and Fish Departments budget! That means fishermanare also paying for this bill, and they didn’t think it was going to cost themanything. He said that this bill doesn’t help the Game and Fish Department inany way. He said why doesn’t the monies come from the Tourism budget or the Agbudget they are the ones who benefiting.
Another question Ihave if this bill goes into law will we be able to drop our liability insuranceon the farm land? It will automatically be posted and nobody will go on itright? Maybe we could lease the land to a Guide Service, do they then have tocarry the insurance?
Here is the bad news(never heard him talk like this before). Him and his buddies are talking aboutvoting democratic next time elections are held for our local senators. He saidthat they are not any smarter than Pelosi or Schumer. If Hedi runs for Governorhe will vote for her because at least she is not in somebody’s back pocket.Again WOW!