I've hunted ducks in ND since 1966, life time resident of ND and only missed two years due to deployment overseas (military). This has got to be one of the worst waterfowl seasons I have ever had. Still working full time for the NDARNG and I didn't take much time off to chase waterfowl but when I did I put many miles on to find mostly empty sloughs and skys. A lot of things have changed and they are not for the better, no matter where I went north and NE of Bismarck I saw very few resident hunters, mostly nonresident. I know there are many good nonresident hunters out there but there are also many slobs just like many residents. I'm a die hard water hunter and I love diver hunting but until I retire I don't have the time to scout 200 miles to hunt some birds that 20 people are already looking at. Us working residents hunt weekends and the birds used to get some time off from being chased but the nonresidents hunt 7 days straight and it goes on almost all season. Wonder why they get up when a vehicle slows down 1/4 mile away. The only sloughs that held ducks were next to farms. I have nothing against nonresident hunters as I have hunted out of state many times too but something has to change. Seems like the lakes in NC ND that always held divers are mostly empty now and I wonder if all the chemicals going on the crop land now has poisoned the water so much that the birds no longer have anything to eat in them. I never thought I would see the hunting in ND change as fast as it did in the last decade. Don't get me wrong, we still had some great hunts but nothing like it used to be. A farmer friend of mine in the Braddock area never had birds in his fields once this year and he doesn't remember that ever happening. Good luck to alll in the future.