I personally think Ukraine will be the turning point in which the US loses any remaining title we have to "superpower of the world". Not that Ukraine was winnable from the get go, but it has shown the world that the US and its allies really can't stop even roughshod Russia from doing as it pleases. China will take Taiwan in about 15 minutes here soon enough and we won't be able to do anything about it. The global balance of power has shifted and we're going to take it in the backside in many ways because of it. I hate to say its a good thing, but we moved a pile of manufacturing to Mexico since Covid and we're going to need it. Putin is no idiot.....heck if you saw his Carlson interview he was playing more to people in the US than anyone else. He's pushed the right buttons and has cracked the code. Don't get me wrong, we're far from done. But I hope we're able to reset ourselves and put America first without getting beat up too bad. We can throw all the money we want at Ukraine and it isn't going to matter...