Recent content by guywhofishes

  1. guywhofishes

    1x scope Highly recommend.
  2. guywhofishes

    1x scope

    I use a sight you’ll maybe like a lot peep in back, crosshairs in front. Remind me next week and I’ll post info if interested
  3. guywhofishes

    Flathead Catfish in ND ?

    anal rays? eew.
  4. guywhofishes


    They didn't call it "coming of age" for nothing.
  5. guywhofishes


    lol, that’s cold
  6. guywhofishes


    Honey crisps are a PITA. I abused mine for 2-3 yrs and got no blossoms. Gave up. A deer thrashed its trunk in fall of 2022 and sure enough 2023 saw lots of fruit. This year back to no flowers. I think it's just about Stihl time.
  7. guywhofishes


    Make up your mind, or your apples will be gender-confused.
  8. guywhofishes

    Flathead Catfish in ND ?
  9. guywhofishes

    Flathead Catfish in ND ?

    James River I suspect. It's got one of the other miserable invasive carp species too. Here's the drainage basin in ND.
  10. guywhofishes

    Federal hypocrites

    DEF is urea and distilled water. Approximately 20–35g of urea are excreted in human urine per day.
  11. guywhofishes

    Federal hypocrites
  12. guywhofishes


    Not even close for deer on my cameras. Maybe 60% as of now. (in inches anyway - mass is maybe 70%?
  13. guywhofishes


    An embarrassment of riches as they say. Drinking from a firehose. etc.
  14. guywhofishes


    Yes, selective culling of the herd (hunters shooting only healthy looking animals) will more quickly develop immunity in the herd! Wait… 🤦🏻‍♂️
  15. guywhofishes

    Spham Sahndwich

    I recon that’s why God flooded the place out.
  16. guywhofishes

    Spham Sahndwich

    I like SPAM. I also grew up in a trailer court, so makes sense I guess.
  17. guywhofishes

    Summer Olympics meh

  18. guywhofishes

    Summer Olympics meh

  19. guywhofishes

    Summer Olympics meh

    It’s Tu Ah you goofballs. Tau(h) is the greek symbol for lifetime and it’s not the sound you make when you spit.
  20. guywhofishes

    Summer Olympics meh

  21. guywhofishes


  22. guywhofishes

    Summer Olympics meh

    If they don't kill her in the meantime.
  23. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    Stoners talking politics. 🤣
  24. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    right, it’s knocking on booze’s door
  25. guywhofishes

    Summer Olympics meh

    NBC coverage plus non-stop social justice stories = not one minute wasted by guywhohasbetterthingstodo
  26. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    that list was made in 2010
  27. guywhofishes


  28. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    Butane?! Good grief.
  29. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    Most “chronics” in my class are definitely abnormal nowadays. Hard to know if correlation or causation - but it’s for sure “a thing”. Like opioids, using it for relief of pain/illness probably has a much different effect on the brain/personality than using it chronically to get buzzed. Seems...
  30. guywhofishes

    Minnow Die off

    The pump/filter system can develop a short circuit to the tank water. The swap out of the entire filtration system cures the problem - but it wasn't the filtering process biota or a disease causing the problem. It was stray voltage - that got cured by the swapping of new components. A $10...
  31. guywhofishes

    Minnow Die off

    I was hoping OP would answer the questions. Hard to help without feedback. I suspect stray voltage from a pump or lack of a functional nitrifying bacteria biomass that was previously doing its job. Stray voltage causes the minnows to dash around erratically for an hour or two and tip over -...
  32. guywhofishes

    Anyone grow honeyberries?

    Lord grant me patience. Galwholovesbirds is close to suffering from some anguish.
  33. guywhofishes

    Minnow Die off

    What's their behavior prior to dying? Erratically dashing about? What's the aeration/filtration system?
  34. guywhofishes

    Anyone grow honeyberries?

    What netting you using? My 1 inch black netting totally sucks. The robins and catbirds suddenly started swarming the honeys this morning.
  35. guywhofishes

    Anyone grow honeyberries?

    When they turn darn near black/purple... and the birds have eaten them all.
  36. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    I take back what I said about weed smokers not being sinister.
  37. guywhofishes

    Measure 2: Marijuana Legalization

    Some of us have walked both sides of this street and can see where both sides are coming from. And can see how both sides can be full of malarkey when it comes to painting the other one as sinister. I wish I had never done either in my life But that’s not how it is. I’m weak. So I just try to...
  38. guywhofishes

    Anyone grow honeyberries?

    Right? Pleasantly surprised. I was worried they’d not dig the clay.
  39. guywhofishes

    Anyone grow honeyberries?

    Looking good over here this year. Just getting ripe enough to pick some varieties. Pray it won’t hail for next week or so!!! Miraculous that they pollinate so well when it’s so cold.
  40. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    The fact that the project that requires yanking it out is not on the hook to replace it with a new one is absolutely mind-boggling.
  41. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Meh. No you're not slinging facts. You're slinging "your truth". You're entitled to your opinion, but your referring to what you're slinging as "facts" shows you're not real familiar with the critical nuances of the scientific process. Scientists who aren't natural critics and very dubious...
  42. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Go ahead. Sling mud at those who are critical of a scientifically flawed policy that you rabidly support - for reasons that don't pass the smell test. If wanting grandpa and/or his young grandson to harvest deer in a humane way (over bait) without causing substantive harm is selfish, then label...
  43. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

  44. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Great point. Let's face it - the other side has way more enthusiasm and "smarts" when it comes to getting things like this project done than somebody who loves boating/fishing (and probably camping, hunting, etc). It's really hard to compete with people whose sole thrill in life is to network...
  45. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    1 2 3 4. 1. I watch deer all year long on many (8) cameras. I used to have two bait stations. They actually don't exhibit this "licking tree" marker behavior at the bait pile because they're preoccupied with bait apparently. I see less swapping of biological material at bait than at marker...
  46. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Listen to the podcast brock posted a ways back in this thread. It contains a segment where they tell sportsman to just do what the law says and stop contesting.
  47. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I’ve been practicing the scientific method for 35 yrs - the baiting ban is absolute HOGWASH It wildly exaggerates the minuscule additional transfer risk due to baiting. Deer “swap spit” every day all year long. CWD is simply going to have to genetically sort itself out. The deer that are...
  48. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    When politicians use the word "invest" I could just scream.
  49. guywhofishes

    Reheating Pizza

    I felt a wave of nausea when I read 3 day beer bender. I’m fairly certain I would stroke out if I did that nowadays.
  50. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    did you listen to their discussion? It’s toward the end.
  51. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    One more thing - I sense your group’s eagerness to seek compromise in every situation is akin to the GOP compromising their way to socialism. When the hell are we going to start drawing some hard lines??? 😡 Start looking forward to paying for access to state school lands? WTF??? Would have...
  52. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I listened to this and from my perspective your group needs to look up the definition of “wins”. And get a biologist on board to help you understand CWD transmission vectors in the wild - not pen studies. Good grief.
  53. guywhofishes

    More CWD NE ND

    2024: NIH study shows chronic wasting disease unlikely to move from animals to people
  54. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Why had they been closed?
  55. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I would imagine there are plenty of PETA, SPCA, and SPLC members who work in the ND oil gas industry too. That’s a pretty silly card to play when it comes to defending an organization’s motivations/politics.
  56. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Let’s hear about your wins for the average outdoorsman in ND. And what’s the purpose of your org being so prominently portrayed in this particular issue/meeting?
  57. guywhofishes

    Nazis in South Dakota

    Is that Ray Epps up front once again? 🤣
  58. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Slappy's take is on target IMO. BHA appears to me to be a leftist cloak organization with an agenda to go green and reduce access to resources by normies. Sierra Club type agenda - that's "for the sportsman". Pfft.
  59. guywhofishes

    Nazis in South Dakota

    Real Nazis don't hide behind masks. How dumb do they think we are?
  60. guywhofishes

    Nazis in South Dakota

    real sick of the masks
  61. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

  62. guywhofishes

    Back Straps

    deglazing - and that's where the reduction comes in - you deglaze the pan with it the reduction adds a tart/fruity depth or contrast to the umami of the meat you don't drown the meat in reduction but instead you sort of treat it like you do the au jus that bleeds out of the meat - just a light...
  63. guywhofishes

    Back Straps

    some sort of wine/fruit reduction is crucial IMO
  64. guywhofishes


    Same reason I hate answering NDGF polls. You just know damn well they'll use poll results to bend/twist the responses to support an agenda you're not hip to. You THINK it's going to support some common sense issue, only to discover that changes are coming - but they're going to be used to...
  65. guywhofishes

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    what's "ramp access vision"?
  66. guywhofishes


    Pretty sure Nigeria is a major pimple on this thing's a$$ as well.
  67. guywhofishes


    THIS is the crap the alphabet agencies should be crushing. But no.... it's grandmas and concerned parents at schoolboard meetings that get the attention.
  68. guywhofishes


  69. guywhofishes

    Bubba or Rapala knife?

    Filleting with bubba feels like you’re holding a beer can. If that was a good thing, your traditional filet knives would also have beer can sized handles. Conclusion? Somebody from another country or someone with zero experience filleting fish designed the bubba.
  70. guywhofishes

    What do you put in yours

    Hard to beat a mary/caesar done right
  71. guywhofishes

    Runnings buys H o E

    shouldn’t screw that up since Runnings seems to run a decent bait shop in their stores but one can never underestimate a takeover’s ability to screw up the few things a store’s doing right

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